@Canadiens de Montréal

Merci pour votre service Kovy 🫡

Merci pour votre service Kovy 🫡



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  2. Major_Estimate_4193

    NJ also bringing him in while their young d prospects mature

  3. Mbeaud001

    Hell of a guy!!! Not bad for a waiver pick!

  4. GreenCamel8991

    Great guy and did a really solid job for us. I expect a major bounce back year for the Devils…he’s going to a really good team and should get a chance to play in the playoffs.

  5. gerbegerger

    Solid dude, was worthy of wearing the tricolore. Hope he does well in NJ. At least now we have a little more room for a young D to get more ice time.

  6. realm_fury

    Ahhh really like Kovy and sad to see him go. He will be a plus to NJ.

  7. lewous7554

    Someone had to go. Would have liked to see one of our younger players get an opportunity elsewhere and get a better return. But good move clearing playing time!

  8. Frites_Sauce_Fromage

    I hope they sent him somewhere he wanted to go since I think he’s worth more than a 4rd round pick.

    NJ got some big IQ in the room with Allen and him, and I think he’ll fit there and have a bigger role.

    All the best to him!

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