@Panthers de la Floride

Discours de Sergei Bobrovsky pour le championnat de la Coupe Stanley 2024 | 30 juin 2024

Discours de Sergei Bobrovsky pour le championnat de la Coupe Stanley 2024 | 30 juin 2024



  1. AcadiaFlyer

    That cup lift at the end was cathartic. No one got as much shit as Bobby over the years 

  2. This brings a tear to my eye! This guy is a class act. I love Bob and I love this team!

  3. PearlJamPony

    Best goaltender in franchise history. Sorry, Lu.

  4. Adkeith47

    Barkov talking more in the last week than he has since he joined the team 😭

  5. tacopeepee69

    So strange seeing him without all the pads and his glorious hair

  6. Lord_Andross

    Fuck him wearing that flag.i do like how he plays though

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