@Canadiens de Montréal

Adieu Kovacevic. Vous êtes une beauté et j’espère que vous apprécierez votre nouvelle équipe



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  2. WesMcCauley

    Not the trade or player I was hoping to trade… It’s probably going to be a minor trade which doesn’t bring any value for that logjam on defense

  3. Good thing.. it makes some room for our younger guys

  4. twistedtxb

    I’m just happy for the guy. clearly the Habs don’t have the space for him next season

  5. Hockey4Life27

    Claimed off waivers for free and getting something back. Win no matter what.

  6. SkouikSkouikTabarnak

    Clearing cap space for Kane and Stamkos! Dominos! /s

    Good luck to Kava, nothing but class.

  7. RoboticAnatomy

    Damn. Super steady 6/7 Guy.

    Seems like an awesome person, and I’ll miss him.

    Good luck Kova!

  8. coincidencecontrol

    he was a combined +14 in the last two season for us. not bad

  9. GolfIsGood66

    Happy travels Honda Civic

    I’m just glad it wasn’t Barron.

  10. Habsfan_2000

    He was holding up the average age on the team. /s

    Good guy. Hope he makes many millions of dollars somewhere else.

  11. VonDingwell

    Going to NJD for 4th Rd pick in 2026
    Edited to update as per other posters, Conditional, best of DAL, NJD or WPG ‘s 4th in 2026

  12. bluAstrid

    For a conditional 2026 4th round pick, the best of DAL, NJD or WPG.

  13. This guys looks like an awesome down to earth guy. Goes in simple van trips and always has a good vibe. Will miss him even though the trade makes sense. Best luck to you kova!

  14. I’m sure we could have gotten more, but whatever, just happy for him as well.

  15. IcyChard4

    Very hard decision I believe went down to this. Looks to me mgmt. went to the either/or scenario rather than « trade both ». I guess Jordan Harris may stay next season.

    Anyway, thanks to Jonathan Kovacevic.

  16. propagandavid

    We’ll always have his 200 footer aga8nst Tampa

  17. Free off waivers for a 4th, decent for someone who won’t see the ice

  18. I don’t get why people keep just sleeping on him, he’s imo the closest thing to chris tanev we had. Just pure, reliable defense. Not a flashy toy but a nice brick to reinforce deep playoff runs.

  19. Great trade. We have plenty of younger potential #6-7 DMen

  20. GreatWhiteNorth4

    Very clearly clearing the way for one our young RDs to get some big league time (or even a LD since we’ve played Guhle on the off side in the past). Bigger role for Barron, maybe they believe Mailloux is ready to get a long run to start the year, or are confident in David being ready off the rip. Either way, good for the long term future

    That being said, love HondaCivic and wish him well. Super solid and dependable, also just seems like a good dude. Kill it next year brother!

  21. JustFred24

    That’s a great return for our boy. Glad he played for us he was a good bottom pairing plug and seemed like a good locker room guy. Wish him all the best with the devils.

  22. PaulWesterberg84

    I liked him very much and he was a good lockerroom guy, best of luck to him!

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