@Flames de Calgary

Comparaison des classes de draft des Flames


Juste quelques analyses avancées comparant la classe du repêchage de 2016 avec celle de cette année, je ne veux pas être trop enthousiaste, mais elle a l’air plutôt bien les gars 💯



  1. Chemical_Signal2753

    I am generally happy with how the last 2 drafts have gone. We will see how the 2024 draft class develops over the coming season, but the 2023 draft class is looking pretty good all things considered.

    Honzek had a bit of a down season but a lot of that could be because he suffered through several injuries. Morin, Suniev, and Lipinski all had incredibly solid seasons. While I don’t think the Flames will get any « stars » out of this group, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a couple of good NHL players from the draft.

  2. Where does he get these numbers from? Especially pertaining to this year’s draft?

  3. Let’s hope for less r*pists in this draft class!

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