@Canadiens de Montréal

[IncarceratedBob] Les rumeurs au sujet de McGroarty commencent à se faire entendre. Les Jets discutent avec trois équipes et une offre devrait être sur la table de la part des Canadiens.

[IncarceratedBob] Les rumeurs au sujet de McGroarty commencent à se faire entendre. Les Jets discutent avec trois équipes et une offre devrait être sur la table de la part des Canadiens.



  1. _Saputawsit_

    I for one cannot wait to watch another team get a massive haul for a player we coveted because they used the Habs to raise his price.

    Its like clockwork.

  2. Dexteris

    Are we reporting clickbaits now… I’ll believe it when it’s done. At this point, so many place hears stuff… click click click

  3. Throaway44009988

    I dont even think were all that interested in him. Just a classic case of a habs being used to raise value.

    That mesar + barron + 1st rumour supposedly originated front hockey30 lmao

  4. EatonHass_24-7

    This isn’t journalism. It’s just another twitter jerk-off monetizing his wild guesses.

  5. AmsroII

    McGroarty to Columbus, Laine to Montreal, Matheson to Jets. /s

  6. paladinx17

    So… how did this guys value come up so much? Sorry for the maybe dumb question. But he is a 20 year old prospect I get that, but why would you flush multiple prospects and picks for him? Is he that good??

  7. KoreanPhones

    After Edmonton hit a lick on Buffalo last week, can it be our turn pls?


    Not sure why the Habs with their character-driven scouting in the past years would be interested in a player who DEMAND a spot with a lot of ice time or else he won’t sign.

  9. Content_Ad_8952

    I’ve heard rumours that the reason he wants out of Winnipeg is because the Jets aren’t guaranteeing him a spot in their lineup. In other words this unproven prospect believes he’s entitled to a spot in the lineup and shouldn’t have to earn it. Sounds like a total diva. I’d stay away from him

  10. mikegimik

    Chevy is really good at this, he will extract maximum value for his asset. I am not sure HuGo is willing to go there, but I would be comfortable with a conditional 1st that is top 15 protected, Barron, and a Tuch type prospect, I think Mesar is a bridge too far… but… McGroaty slots in perfectly for pur rebuild much more so than Mesar… so who knows

  11. Habsfan_2000

    Having googled the relevant players I don’t think we need this one.

  12. okmijnmko

    I guess my only question about him is…is he worthy of getting those minutes he insists he is? Jets say no – why? or is he not a fit why? This is what I don’t understand about this player.

    If I wanted a first hand account of how a player is *behind the scene*s, and how McGroaty is as an offensive player..I’d ask another player I trust, especially one whose faced him as a goaltender. PS: I saw Fowler playing with him at Bauer.

  13. ApokatastasisPanton

    Struggling to understand why Habs fans are dying to get a guy who forces his way out of a team before signing an ELC. Did we learn nothing from PLD drama? His upside is middle 6 and he has only played college so far, he’s not the second coming of Patrick Kane…

  14. Longtimelurker2575

    If we can get him for Mesar, Barron and a late first (top 10 protected) then sure. Any more than that would be a waste IMO. Didn’t like the reports about him refusing to accept any conditioning in the AHL.

  15. Seb_Nation

    If we’re in I’m guessing the character issues reported are from bad blood with Winnipeg more than the character itself. We wouldn’t trade for a locker room cancer thinking he’s above all so it makes me wonder if there’s any truth to reports.

    We know some defenders will have to go so whoever is included in that deal is no real lost value to the team (so it’s mainly Mesar who, aside from being Slaf’s bestie, did nothing impressive about his NHL projection since coming over to North American sized ice. Plenty of Europeans cannot translate their full game so would our front office sell while there’s still value on the player instead of hanging too long to a falling knife?

    Aside from those rumors Rutger has killed the NCAA and I don’t understand why Winnipeg didn’t sign him right away (Yeah the playoffs home ice advantage but just like Caufield he could’ve lifted the team with his fresh legs). He’s a tough guy who does everything so yes, sign me up for him.

  16. Ghost_Idol

    J’aime son potentiel en tant que joueur, mais pas certain de son caractère suite aux dernières rumeurs qu’il veut forcer son poste top 6 dans la LNH des cette saison

  17. RevolutionaryStep229

    Do we even want a player demanding ice time without playing an NHL game ? They better not give up much for someone with this attitude.

  18. Morioka2007

    I don’t understand why there is so much interest in this player. He was picked up at 14 for his draft year. He can’t crack the Jets lineup and is demanding playing time the NHL.
    Sounds like …. a repeat of Drouin. I think it’s fine to get him but only one asset should go for him.
    If the Jets want more I hope another team pays the price.

  19. Habsfan_1984

    I wouldn’t trade Hutson, Reinbacher, Demidov, Roy , Mailloux or Beck. If we can come to an agreement using other players then it’s worth it. If not then move on to the next option or continue to be patient and see how are prospects develop this season.

  20. antrage

    Can’t wait to see how this sub would change its tune if we actually traded for him. So many opinions and accusations levied on him based on tons of internal speculation.

  21. simonlegosu

    One thing is for sure, Hughes and Gorton know a lot more about this kid than anyone else here.

    The Jets weren’t willing to do what we did for Hutson, Harris, Caufield and Poehling, which is to burn a year off his ELC.

  22. Spotlightss

    If i am Winnipeg im not doing it for mesar and barron…both players had terrible years and i doubt they will ever dominate in the nhl…Barron is way to soft and mesar pull a terrible numbers for a D+2 players un the junior league

  23. Kiiiriin

    Demidov Suzuki Slaf

    Caufield Dach Mcgroarty

    Newhook Hage Roy

    I hope HuGo finds a way to bring a guy of the caliber of McGroarty or even Zegras because the Habs with this potential top 9 of the future will be absolutely stacked.

  24. obesepoodles

    Hughes is smart. He’s putting offers on the table for all these players, but he isn’t overpaying. If we manage to land 1-2 more players (Dach, Newhook) with reasonable prices, we’ll be much better off than overpaying for someone.

    The only time you overpay for a player is in free agency because you give up no assets to get him.

  25. DJP-MTL

    Would be funny if we traded Barrons as part of the deal.

  26. piecyclops

    Can someone make sense of all the hype for me? Why is this prospect so coveted? And if he’s all that, why would the jets trade him?

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