@Red Wings de Détroit

[POLL] Fil de discussion sur le classement des espoirs 2024 /r/DetroitRedWings – Prospect n°3

Maintenant que nous avons dépassé le repêchage et l’agence libre, il est temps de passer à l’annuelle /r/DetroitRedWings Fil de discussion sur le classement des espoirs ! Quant à la manière dont vous votez, c’est entièrement à vous de décider : certains peuvent accorder la plus grande importance au plafond ou à la hausse, d’autres peuvent accorder une plus grande importance à la préparation à la LNH – il n’y a pas de mauvaise réponse sur la façon de voter.

Un nouveau sondage sera publié tous les 2-3 jours en fonction de la proximité du vote jusqu’à ce que nous ayons terminé avec les 15 meilleurs prospects. J’inclurai 10~ prospects à chaque sondage et j’ajouterai un nouveau prospect après chaque sondage, alors discutez-en dans les commentaires et celui qui sera le plus mentionné sera ajouté ensuite.

Consultez les classements précédents du subreddit ici (à partir de 2018 !) : LIEN ICI

– Les critères de prospection seront définis à l’aide de Lignes directrices de la LNH.
– Après les classements de la saison dernière, un sondage a été réalisé pour déterminer s’il fallait ou non afficher les résultats du sondage. Continuer à masquer les résultats entre les sondages a donné lieu à plus de votes.

VOTEZ ICI – Sondage #3

#1. Nate Danielson (C – 2023 #9) – 61% des 731 votes [Results]

#2. Axel Sandin-Pellikka (RD – 2023 #17) – 59% de 658 voix [Results]



  1. leafssuck69

    Gotta go Cossa, but Kasper and MBN are valid here

    Edit: actually goalies are voodoo. Going with the shiny new toy MBN

  2. sharkmanlarry

    I had Cossa as #2 but I can’t be upset about ASP, what a great draft we had last year

  3. JeremyEMT

    Toss up between Cossa and Kasper.

    I like Cossa better, but with Kasper is the most NHL ready person in the current list.

  4. crwtrbt5

    Results were available to view after voting today.

  5. MyJazzDukeSilver

    Are we going by who has the highest ceiling and is showing promise or who is closest to NHL ready? I’m sure everyone has their own criteria and am kinda curious. It seems like the organization thinks Aljo is the closest to NHL ready. But agree Nate and ASP have the highest ceilings and are both improving the right way.

  6. FadeShadeMan

    Today I vote for Cossa. As a former Cossa denier, he proved all the haters wrong this year and established himself as a top 5 goalie prospect. Id love to go MBN or Kasper, but honestly neither of them have flashed high end upside. Cossa today, the next poll will be a real coin flip between 2 similar prospects though

  7. CBPanik

    For the sake of sanity and hope in our prospect system it has to be MBN. If a 3rd/4th line C or a 1B goalie with possible potential for 1A is our 3rd best prospect after all this time, we might as well start over.

  8. CD23tol

    Cossa is my 1b to Nate

    Going with him again

  9. Byorski

    After last season in the AHL, I had voted for Cossa at 2, but have no qualms with ASP at 2 instead. For me, they were pretty interchangeable at those spots, so of course I’m going with Cossa at 3. From here, it gets a bit more interesting.

  10. AstralPolarBear

    I picked MBN. I think he has good upside and will be ready sooner than later, and his ceiling should be higher than anyone else on the list.

    I also find it hard to rank Cossa, both in figuring out what he can be on the NHL and how to compare goalies to skaters in a ranking. I like what he’s done the last two years, though, hopefully he can continue to take steps!

  11. RousseauDisciple

    Cossa. He’ll be a monster if it all works out

  12. PineapplePhil

    Going Cossa here. Has a higher ceiling than anyone else.

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