@Jets de Winnipeg

Pourquoi personne ne veut signer avec les Jets de Winnipeg

Il est de notoriété publique que Winnipeg n’est pas exactement la destination idéale pour la plupart des agents libres de la LNH. On entend souvent dire que personne ne veut jouer pour les Jets parce qu’il fait froid. Pourtant, c’est le cas pour de nombreuses villes. En apparence, personne ne veut jouer pour les Jets à cause du temps, mais il y a bien plus que cela qui se cache sous la surface. Dans cette vidéo, nous examinons ce que cela pourrait être d’autre. Merci beaucoup d’avoir regardé ! Si vous voulez rester au courant de tout mon contenu sur les Jets, laissez un j’aime et abonnez-vous pour en savoir plus ! Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jetshubyt/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/JetsHubYT #nhl #nhljets #gojetsgo #hockey #sports #Winnipeg


  1. I hope you all enjoy, this was one of the more interesting research videos I've put together.

  2. Very good video…Chevy has the toughest job in the NHL and should be commended for the job he has done.

  3. I think that this is a fair video that does try and look at the WPG situation with free agents. My one pushback would be that the tax is just straight taxes calculated like you or I would pay. These athletes bring in a lot of money and therefor can leverage tax vehicles that the regular person can't. One example is the Retirement Compensation Agreements(RCA) that can return a significant amount of money to the player. If a player is actually paying the tax rates you described they either have a piss poor accountant or non at all.

    All in all I think this a great video to start conversations like this to dig into the buisness side of the sport and recognize the unique challenges of our market and also potential advantages.

  4. All Canadian teams will face disadvantages of stupidly high taxes under Justin Trudeau. As a Sens fan myself, I also have a pretty strong stance in that regard.

  5. It's too bad the Jets don't have the pull of an Original Six team. The tax rate is even higher in Québec but I don't think it affects the Canadiens quite as much.

  6. Be interesting to see the take or reaction of manitoba government officials on this about tax ans business. I think the same goes for everything. Too much tax keeps things smaller. They don't unserstsnd the mindset of American capitalism and they really need to in order to grow. They keep it small on purpose I suppose. Only the ones who want to be here stay. The rest vanish.

  7. As for the players, I feel bad for the younger players for sure seeing great talent drafter then sitting on the bench or playing for the Moose. Look at success of Shieffle and Connor! Perhaps this is the year they shift back to youth development and stick with it. Also wish our arena was a tad bigger. I don't get why they stayed small when the football stadium is much bigger.

  8. How about we over run Justin axe the tax and get guys to come to Winnipeg. I don’t want to play for a team that I would lose half my contract.

  9. Can´t canadian teams unite and pressure NHL to balance cap so they can compete with US teams?
    I mean, at the end of the day it just makes sense that the cap should be calculated on the amount the players actually get.

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