@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Eric Daze méritait-il plus de respect ?

CP emmène DP dans une plongée en profondeur dans la carrière d’Eric Daze. Beaucoup de gens oublient à quel point il était bon. Découvrez les chiffres fous qu’il a affichés. DE NOUVEAUX ÉPISODES TOUS LES MERCREDIS ! Regardez ces autres vidéos géniales 👇 @hockeypsychology Quand manquer de respect à un capitaine de la LNH va trop loin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1daTNxwfEBA @TheHockeyGuy Quelle équipe de la LNH ai-je le plus détestée au fil des ans ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp14z7UvpV8 @SENSTALK Les Sénateurs d’Ottawa PROLONGEENT Mads Søgaard, ÉCHANGEZ Roby Jarventie ET Kevin Mandolese ! Anglais : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8B5IgfDSbM @JohnnyHawkey Réflexions sur le nouveau design de l’aréna des Flames de Calgary + nouvelles informations (Scotia Place) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EG4pu655AYQ ABONNEZ-VOUS À NOTRE YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuf52MHW1O7guPMzsMvv2kA SUIVEZ-NOUS SUR INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/empty.netters/?hl=en SUIVEZ-NOUS SUR TIKTOK : https://www.tiktok.com/@empty.netters


  1. Remembered watching this guy growing up. Guy was pretty good!
    If his back wasn’t messed up later on, he would’ve been SO good

  2. Always thought Eric Daze had so much potential that was unfortunately cut short. It would be pretty cool to get him on a podcast at some point.

  3. I was a doorman at a bar in Wrigleyville. Dennis Savard, Daze, and a coach came in before a Cubs game. Savard got hammered, was crass with a waitress and left. My boss told me not to let Savard back in if he came back. 30 mins later, Savard came back, I didn’t let him in. He asked me to get Daze and bring him to the door. I grabbed Daze, explained the situation and brought him to Savard. When Daze arrived, Savard sized me up, and asked me how tall I was. I answered 5’6, and Savard retorted with, “you might need some help.” I responded with, “Dennis, I’ve seen you fight on TV, I’m not the one who’s gonna need help!” Daze took Savard by the shoulders, spun him around and gave me a thumbs up and laughed as he pushed Savard through the door outside…
    Daze is a beauty

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