@Stars de Dallas

Deux grandes stars blessées chez les Cleveland Browns !

Deux stars majeures sont blessées chez les Cleveland Browns ! Premier jour du camp d’entraînement et les Browns ont des nouvelles de blessures pour deux de leurs stars en défense, nous discutons également de Nick Chubb et de Kevin Stefanski qui abandonne le jeu ? ainsi que de Deshaun Watson. #deshaunwatson #kevinstefanski #clevelandbrowns #gregnewsome #Browns #Brownsnews #Brownsrumors https://www.patreon.com/everythingbrowns Médias sociaux : twitter.com/c/CoreyOnSports https://www.facebook.com/gaming/Coreyonsports devenez membre : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgSE…


  1. What's crazy is that I made my comment on Discord prior to watching this video. Anyway, I'm in the ok camp when it comes to KS calling plays. I don't think Chubb will be back until mid-season. I hope they are cautious with him and don't work him too hard too soon. I hope and prayer we don't have another injury filled season like last year.

  2. No… Not Injuries🤦🏼‍♀️🤯🤨…Thanks For The Updates💯‼️Have A Great Weekend Corey! 🤎🧡🏈GO BROWNS!

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