@Red Wings de Détroit

Pronger toujours en colère contre Yzerman à cause de sa déchirure du ligament croisé antérieur

De Detroit Hockey Now

L’ironie du sort, c’est que Pronger était l’un des fils de pute les plus dégueulasses du milieu, et Stevie se contentait de se baisser ! Laisse tomber, mec !



  1. Mendoza8914

    Steve’s duck and spin was a nothing play. Watching the clip of the play spliced with Pronger calling it a dirty hit is hilarious.

    But there’s really no such thing as a dirty hit on Chris Pronger anyway. One of the biggest assholes to ever play the game.

  2. itsthisortwitter

    What a little bitch. Nothing dirty about how Yzerman defended himself. Maybe don’t line up guys who are a foot shorter than you if you don’t want to risk their hips taking out your knee.

  3. Biscuit_In_Basket

    « How dare he not let me run him over! »

    Fuck outa here with that shit ya fuckin goon.

  4. xenonwarrior666

    What a fucking bitch.

    Stevie Y living in his head rent free after all these years

  5. SemperParaguay

    A whole lotta cognitive dissonance you’ve got there, Chris.

  6. AnyTomato8562

    {Pronger} « How am I supposed to concuss an opponent if they duck away at the last second… »

    Puck Fronger

  7. old_man_noises

    Worth noting that he says he doesn’t believe Stevie intentionally hurt him and that he apologized. Perhaps it’s just a bad headline, under further review.

  8. Accomplished-Bowl-46

    Dude. Chris Pronger remains a jack wagon. Yzerman was protecting himself and Pronger over-extended himself in an attempt to injure #19.

  9. PitifulPossum

    Fuck that schmuck. Be bitter about a hit that would’ve been dirty had you got your way. Steve avoided your charge and you got hurt. Go eat a sour dick Pronger

  10. unequalsarcasm

    Stay on your feet and it would have been an issue Christopher

  11. sunsh9ne1471

    Chris calling it a dirty play bc Stevie got out of the way when he saw the hit coming 🤣🤣
    Get the fuck outta here you baby back bitch

  12. pfated64

    Chris « I’ll headbutt you after the whistle » Pronger… Yeah fuck that dude. Get Rekt!

  13. Swdmwsd24

    Pronger was one of the most dirtiest players ever dude was a fucking clown.

  14. Tacoshirt5000

    Pronger stiffed me on a tip on 2 occasions… as if I didn’t hate him before that

  15. culturedrobot

    Pronger can suck my dick, how bout that?

  16. magikarp-sushi

    Complaining 20+ years later over something is like bro move on grow up lol. Do something better with your life

  17. Salamangra

    Lol Pronger can get fucked. Every player in the league knew Stevie had a bad knee and the fuck still ran him in the playoffs. Pronger can get fucked sideways.

  18. dudewithchronicpain

    I hated him so much and still do to this day. Fucing clown dirty assnother fucking rubbish player

  19. Calling__Elvis

    He’s sort of forgetting that he’s as big as a house coming towards a relatively small player who just wants to get out of the way. Besides, Yzerman is hardly known for his dirty plays. So this is a non-burger and always was.

  20. DJ_Telestic

    “Was it a dirty hit?”
    “Yeah, yeah…I mean, it’s cause I had him lined up…”

    So it would have been fine if you’d hit our captain, but because it backfired and you got injured then it was Steve’s fault and a dirty hit? But then you admit he wasn’t trying to hit you low or take out your ACL…

  21. thom_driftwood

    I didn’t like him on the ice. I can’t stand him off the ice.

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