@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Bataille imminente entre les gardiens de but des Penguins

Dans cette édition de Tip of the Ice-Burgh, Nick et Nick discutent de la situation des gardiens de but des Penguins de Pittsburgh et s’ils croient ou non qu’il y aura une bataille de gardiens de but au camp d’entraînement de cette année (1:10). Ils discutent également de la possibilité que les Penguins suivent les traces des Blues de St. Louis et proposent de couvrir un attaquant actuellement agent libre restreint (13:32). Nick et Nick terminent l’émission avec un sondage hebdomadaire des Penguins et discutent du joueur étoile qui les préoccupe le plus à l’approche de la saison 2024-25 (26:29). Connectez-vous ! Le meilleur podcast pour les fans les plus passionnés des Penguins ! Connectez-vous pendant que Nick Belsky et Nick Horwat vous apportent toutes les meilleures nouvelles et analyses des Penguins de Pittsburgh ! Nouveaux épisodes de « Tip of the Ice-Burgh » TOUS les mardis et jeudis Abonnez-vous à notre page : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF9ht8AzbjUYj9iRMYgrKjg 🎧 Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/0xEz2obkC3dpVjLlns2Qgi 🎧 Apple : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tip-of-the-ice-burgh-podcast/id1497683396 Retrouvez-nous sur Twitter : https://x.com/IceBurghPodcast


  1. Despite all the Jarry Stan’s, he’s been sub par at best and Ned showed some real signs of strength in the end of the year. I say, give Ned the start and Jarry backup. When Ned gets worn down, put Jarry in. I’m excited to see how Ned improved this off season.

  2. I absolutely would be fine Ned starting this season. I feel A LOT more comfortable or less stressed with him in net than Jars. IMO

  3. Hopefully Ned last year was a breakout season and not a career year. I certainly think that it at least needs to be a competition. Jarry should not have the job handed to him because of his contract.

  4. Goalie is extremely important. Ned started to play good at the end of the year, and magically the team started winning games.

  5. I’m begging the Penguins to trade off Jarry this year. Keep Ned and put Blomqvist in for a few reps at the end of the year. Let Murashov get all the reps down in Wilkes to gain confidence for next year. Get out of the Jarry mess and it frees up space for the young guns to emerge.

  6. I don’t see them offer sheeting Robertson. There’s no room. Sullivan is to blame here. The fact the Accari is going to play over the young guys is infuriating and solely because Accari is a Sullivan “type” player.

  7. Wes Clark was at Michael Bunting’s wedding a couple of weeks ago,and I am sure Clark did some “scouting”…especially after a couple hours of the bubbly.
    Kyle Dubas probably has a very good idea as to Robo’ s intentions…and waiting in the weeds because the Leafs are running out of runway, is probably going to be the approach.

  8. The big problem is Sullivan (who, BTW, played young players when he first came up- he personally knew them having coached them at WB/S) and getting him to give new, young guys a REAL chance to play- as far as Jarry I'm sick of hearing about him, he has 2 problems that are great in the IN box- Injury prone & Inconsistent play. Hopefully we'll get either a great season or get rid of him. If the team fails again it's definitely time to get rid of Sullivan.

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