@Flyers de Philadelphie

Années 80 ou 90 ?

Je suis super contente de trouver ça dans les poubelles pour quelques dollars. Quelqu’un sait de quelle année il date ? Je vais l’user à fond de toute façon, juste par curiosité.



  1. Brightcab

    Looks very 90s to me. Source: am 35 years old and had puffy flyers jackets just like this.

  2. Roll-Me-Through

    There’s a lot of money to be made by bringing back retro Starter jackets and hats

  3. JohnnyCandles

    I’m 48 and I had that exact same Starter pullover when I was in high school. Early 90s fo show.

  4. flanneled_man

    I had the exact same one and a birds one. Probably 93/94ish.

  5. Jack-of-some-trades-

    90s. I grabbed one off eBay a couple years ago. Brought be back to childhood putting that thing on.

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