@Golden Knights de Vegas

Bon, la mine de sel /r/hockey est déjà pleinement opérationnelle.

Bon, la mine de sel /r/hockey est déjà pleinement opérationnelle.



  1. mortalcloak

    Just hopped in there to remind the Sharks fans about their poverty cupless shithole franchise cause I can’t wait for the season to start!

  2. treasonodb

    the people on r/hockey are just as miserable as the people on the political subreddits and holy fuck is that a high bar to clear.

  3. NoahtheRed

    And here I thought our relatively quiet summer so far was perhaps a sign that r/hockey had finally just moved on to a new favorite heel.

  4. oakyafterbirth0409

    Oh no! They hate us, let’s wipe the tears away with our Stanley Cup banner

  5. HeadcaseHeretic

    Question… do they hate us because year 1 we took all their asses out one by one and went to the cup final as a team of unwanted guys? Or is it all about this « cap circumventing » excuse to be afraid of our depth and stellar top to bottom management?

  6. friskyjude

    You know what? Hockey fans have radicalized me. I was hard on the team for letting Marchy walk, but now I’m just digging my heels even further into the Vegas train. Best center core and defense in the league. We’re going to be at the top of the division by Christmas. Everyone can weep and seethe and pout.

  7. LordOfTheBurrito

    And here I thought Utah getting a team would cause all of the hate to be redirected toward them. At least the entire state of Arizona and fans of the Yotes he placed a bounty on the state of Utah, their people, and fans, so I guess that’s a little better?

  8. UnhealthyCheesecake

    Being a VGK fan has really made me grow to sympathize with Patriots fans and other generally hated teams tbh.

    There is no nuance in others’ critiques of the team. There is no substance in the broad discussion of the team that is not just low effort fodder meant to appeal to circlejerkers. It really does take some of the fun out of being a fan when at times it feels like you can’t even talk about your team without having to be relegated to a team sub or face the onslaught of those seeking their own self proclaimed vengeance and/or karma.

    It is mostly why I hang out here. There is very little good that is found in that sub. They hate us, they will always hate us, and that is that.

  9. Knights_When

    The average hockey fan on Reddit are highly triggered.

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