@Ducks d'Anaheim

Les fans se disputent un bâton de hockey lors d’un match des Ducks le 19/11/09

Scott Niedermayer des Ducks d’Anaheim passe son bâton à une petite fille dans la foule, mais un homme essaie de l’attraper et une bagarre s’ensuit. L’homme dans la foule qui frappe l’homme qui a essayé de s’emparer du bâton est le skateur professionnel Mike Vallely. Mike V. avait un blog sur ducks.nhl.com qui a été retiré après la bagarre.


  1. The stick wasn't even close to hitting the stupid teachers sister
    The teacher had to reach over his shoulder. Kind of late to be blocking the stick from hitting his sister

  2. This video makes me LOL everytime…poor niedermeyer, just imagine what he is seeing and thinking. VALLELY ROOLS!

  3. really? 4 on 1? three from behind while your wonman wants to get in on it cuz she knows if you touch her the rest of the crowd will take her side without question???

    cowardice at its greatest right there. what chicken-shit fuckery … absolutely deplorable …

    this must have took place in texas.

    god damn, i hope they NEVER cure breast cancer i really really do. some things exist on this earth as the only hope for justice …

  4. okay your post made sense until you said the breast cancer thing

    now i think your just as much of a gutless fuckwad as the people attacking the guy. my mom has breast cancer and shes a nice lady

  5. well, since i dont know you or mom personally, it obviously wasnt a comment aimed at either of you, but how do you expect me to re-act when i see evil shit like this? it makes me that god-damn mad …

  6. Losers at every turn. The teacher/coach is a total douche for trying to take the stick, when it was pretty clearly intended for a little girl. Vallely is the ultimate arrested adolescent with some pretty fucking serious insecurity and rage issues.

  7. the little girl was mike v's daughter, he was defending her possession of it. (as i understand it)

  8. I wish everyone who punched the guy in blue dies and burns in hell he just wanted the stick stupid them

  9. It’s inter how I could not find #MikeVallely connected to any of these videos. This was the last time I ever heard of Mike. Fighting in front of his baby daughter. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

  10. Supposedly, the guy throwing hands is Mike Vallely?… I’d have to hear that from the man himself.

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