@Bruins de Boston

Swayman demande COMBIEN ?

Des rumeurs circulent à Boston selon lesquelles Jeremy Swayman demanderait 10 millions de dollars par saison aux Bruins de Boston pour son prochain contrat. Je vais décortiquer les nouvelles et donner mon avis sur la valeur de Jeremy Swayman de 10 millions de dollars par saison. #nhlbruins #nhl #jeremyswayman #freeagent #nhlfreeagents #bostonbruins


  1. Wouldn’t surprise me if he’s asking high so they don’t lowball him, like he asks for 10 but really ends up getting 8 and being cool with it

  2. Not a chance he is worth 10M / season at this point in his career. He had Ullmark leading the way so he didn't have to play 65 games. I would say top out at 7M and call it a day.

  3. They should have kept Ullmark and dealt Swayman. His value was sky high after the playoff run and the Bruins could have gotten a sweet package, extended Linus, and avoided the headache we all saw coming. Having said that, the asking price is an even BIGGER headache than most anticipated.

  4. The Bruins jerked him around last year, making him go to arbitration to get less than he should have gotten in the first place. He now has them over a barrel putting them in a situation where they either have to trade him of pay him. The Bruins did this to themselves trading Ulmark before they had him locked in. If this is a 10 year deal, maybe this isn't too bad, 10 years from now 10 million is going to be a steal to have one of the best goalies in the league. The shorter the time becomes less advantageous for the Bruins. I don't remember if I posted this hear or somewhere else but my original thought on the matter was to trade Swayman instead of Ulmark. Because he was younger the Bruins possibly got a better return. Remember the Bruins style of defense makes average goaltenders look better than they actually are. Is Ulmark going to replicate what he did in Boston in Ottawa. Only time will tell.

  5. Okay – he thinks he can play? Then give him $10 mil

    $6.5 mil AAV /5 years with bonuses up to another $3.5 mil. If he gets us a cup


    $10 mil ask is a negotiation tactic to make $8-8.5 mil look like a good deal

    The longevity of the contract at around $8mil might be more of the sticking point.

    Or he is sticking to 10 million and this is being leaked to get the fans prepared!

    I still think we will be okay in net if Swayman walks.

    And we'll have $8.6 million in cap space to play with…

    Thanks for the update.

  6. So why did the bruins trade ullmark this is not a good situation at all 😞 if the bruins don’t figure this out they will not be elite this season you CAN NOT be elite with korpisalo as your starter no way ya great you bring in Elias and zadorov but wait you give up both two of the most elite goalies in the NHL jeezz im sick of this team

  7. Bruins messed up by moving Ullmark before signing him. I have a feeling this may extend into the season if that's the case. Might be that by training camp, if this players is still thinking that much… they may make a move to get someone to start the season.

  8. I'd give him a two-year contract at 6m so he can prove he deserves 10. Alternatively, I'd give him 13 for 25 years as I'm a Bruins hater. Y'all Bruins fans are chill though.

  9. Trade him now for another rfa and pray Busi and Korpo can be average. Fire sweeney immediately. How TF did we lose ullmark for a bad pick and contract and then give swaymen the entire leverage

  10. Swayman needs to intervene and fire his agent if this gets out of hand. His agent made Nylander look like an overpaid, greedy punk. In the end, his agent cares more about his own bonus/cut than Swaymans well-being.

  11. I imagine him and his agent know the cap space they have and are just playing hard ball then will eventually sign for that 8m ish for like 4-6 years I bet. My guess his agent will want the term on the low end to try to capitalize again while Swayman is still in his late 20s. But when you think about it Jordan Binnington signed a long term deal for 6.5m after winning the cup. So it's like what does Swayman and his agent think they have over that. Which might be the Bruins argument too.

  12. Im all in on sway…but 10 is ludicrous. Do i think he can handle the full season workload…YES. his mentality is good and i think he can handle more than what has been thrown his way. If his friendship with ully wasnt a thing i guarantee he would have solidified the top spot 2 seasons ago. However that wasnt the case and due to that he hasnt been truly tested. Therefore i see an 8 mil being the top he has earned. What will he get…we shall see

  13. 10 million is impossible for the Bruins to do they have 8.3 million in caps base or roughly depending on which site you go by he's asking for cup money and he hasn't won a cup what he should do is shut the fuk up Take 6 million dollars for 2 years play those two years when a f**** cup and then asked to be the highest paid goaltender in hockey until then getting to the second round and losing does not prove that you're worth top dollar

  14. He carried the Bruins in the playoffs and he should get paid. Most of the bruins did bananas in that first round and managed to get to the second round just to lose to a Stanley Cup contender. They play well all year long and then choke in the playoffs. He should get at the very least 8.5 million. Imo…..

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