@Canadiens de Montréal

Patty Laine partage quelques conseils personnels

Patty Laine partage quelques conseils personnels



  1. He’s winning me over with stuff like this. I’ll give him. The benefit of the doubt

  2. eriverside

    Should be pinned to r/hockey for a bit every now and again.

  3. aaalllouttabubblegum

    Nice to see athletes discussing men’s mental health more often. When I was growing up it was all pushed under the rug. Good for him.

  4. Boomsticks

    This guy is going to destroy the league this year. I have a really good feeling about him.

  5. shniefersutherland

    The main takeaway I get from this, personally, is that the work is really in going thru the emotions over and over. It sucks but it helps, really happy to have him be a bit of champion of mental health. A good addition to the locker room!

  6. TheFriendlyTaco

    **Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source**. True humility is the only antidote to shame. – Iroh, The last Avatar

  7. really glad to see how open he is w his struggles w mental health, and how much he truly believes in therapy. i think he is going to make a big difference in our community, and it’s going to be a positive one.

    so much of hockey culture has been riddled with toxic masculinity, and all it does is hurt the players in the long run. nobody should be suffering in silence. the more athletes we have that speak honestly and positively about their experiences with therapy/mental health, the better off we will all be. so much respect for this guy, can’t wait to see him be a star and a positive role model for young fans in montreal

  8. JediMasterZao

    It’s not emasculating to seek out for help. The sooner we learn this lesson, the better.

  9. dangerdunk

    I think this dude is going to be a great fit with our wonderful gang, and MSL will be the perfect coach for him. stay healthy, Patty….

  10. WalkingCrab

    This needs to be heard more often – especially for young males.

    Thanks for helping break the stigma Patrik.

  11. Last thing I thought that would happen today is me crying over a video that Laine posted. Thanks, buddy. I really needed to hear this. <3

  12. Pompous_Geezer_2Mo

    He could become the National spokesperson for mental health issues.

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