@Blue Jackets de Columbus

RIP Johnny Gaudreau alias Johnny Hockey. J’ai eu l’incroyable opportunité de le peindre il y a quelque temps. J’envoie de l’amour à tous ceux qui l’ont connu 💙

RIP Johnny Gaudreau alias Johnny Hockey. J’ai eu l’incroyable opportunité de le peindre il y a quelque temps. J’envoie de l’amour à tous ceux qui l’ont connu 💙



  1. PresterJohnsKingdom

    Made that with a puck and hockey stick? You’ve got talent.

  2. MayorGoldieWilson3

    Had you painted this with brushes it still would have been incredible. To do it with pucks and sticks? Absolutely amazing.

  3. Ajxpetrarca

    Did you also paint Jason Kelce with a football??
    You’re super talented!

  4. skunkberryblitz

    This is super cool and creative, awesome job! RIP Johnny Hockey

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