@Flames de Calgary

Nos pensées et nos prières accompagnent la famille Gaudreau

C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous pleurons la mort tragique de notre ami Johnny Gaudreau et de son frère Matthew Gaudreau. Nos cœurs sont brisés par cette perte dévastatrice. Johnny était et sera toujours un membre de la famille des Flames et aimé de tous les habitants de Calgary. Nous avons eu le privilège d’avoir Johnny comme coéquipier pendant neuf années extraordinaires à Calgary. Il est arrivé à Calgary alors qu’il était jeune et a grandi ici, non seulement en tant que superstar sur la glace, mais aussi en tant que membre bien-aimé de notre communauté. La douleur que nous ressentons pour la femme de Johnny, Meredith, ses enfants Noa et Johnny, ses parents Jane et Guy, ses sœurs Kristen et Katie, et toute la famille Gaudreau est immense. Les propriétaires, la direction, les joueurs et le personnel des Flames de Calgary expriment leurs plus sincères condoléances pendant cette période de deuil. Vous êtes dans nos pensées et nos prières.


  1. Unimaginable pain. Thank you Johnny for all the joy you have given me and everyone here in Calgary in the time you were here.
    Legends never die! ❤❤🔥🔥❤❤

  2. I'm a Stars fan. This has changed the way I look at the Game 7 goal of 2022. But it's also lit a fire of anger in me toward drunk drivers or just unsafe drivers in general. Texting, drinking, or anything of the sort while driving are equally insane and I will never understand people who justify distracted driving of any kind. It's also a huge motivation to keep driving the way I do: everything I can possibly think of to keep myself and everyone else safe.

    After this news, I feel like Johnny played for my team, even though you could say he became a rival. At the end of the day, it's a hockey game and sportsmanship is so important.

  3. This seems unreal. 😢Can't even begin to think how their parents feel. Thank you for the highs Johnny. RIP both.

  4. Rip Johnny hockey and Matthew!! Can't believe I woke up to this.. So sad will be wearing 13 Gaudreau today in honor of him.. Flames forever!!

  5. I’m sorry but there has been some terrible reporters on this tragedy so far.. this is the best and most appropriate one I have seen so far. Very sad. This image and silence makes it sink it in more than any other persons thoughts.

  6. First and foremost, Johnny was a great man because he always put his family first. It is a tragedy that his kids will never get a chance to grow in that love.

  7. This one really hurts. Johnny was one of my favourite players growing up.

    Rest in peace Johnny hockey, #13 forever

  8. The 1st home gm will be very emotional, n the jackets one, n especially the flames vs bluejackets matchups

  9. Jersey in the front window today out of respect.

    The Johnny and Mony duo made me fall in love with the Flames, and are a large part of why Ill forever be a Flames fan. What hurts even more, is how many young kids looked up to him and idolized him, and how many small #13 jerseys you still see at games.

    An absolutely heart wrenching lost that brings tears to the eyes of many Albertans and Calgarians today, Rest in Peace #13

  10. forever Will be my Favorite Player I will Miss You Johnny Hockey Thanks for your Jaw Dropping Plays and You Show Stopping Snipes I will Never Forget Them as Well as other Big Fans will too We love You Rest In peace Brother & fly High

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