@Flames de Calgary

À la douce mémoire de Johnny Gaudreau

Un hommage à notre ami et à ses neuf années incroyables à Calgary


  1. This is one of the most tragic things to happen to the hockey world. Only thing worse i can recall is the Humbolt Broncos crash, RIP Johnny and Matthew

  2. Hug and love you’re people more often rest in peace we’ll miss you and condolences to Johnny and he’s family we’ll miss you thanks for playing for our team ❤

  3. He was the first player ever known in hockey. He is the person who got me into it. The calgary flames obviously got me into it as well, but he was the main reason. I wanted to grow up to be just like him on a hockey team. I even met him oncde, and i can't believe he's gone. And so suddenly, too. R.I.P Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau.

  4. From a Canucks fan ,

    Johnny was a true ambassador for the game , and I dont believe there could have been a better person fitting of the name ,

    " Johnny Hockey ".

    You will be missed and remembered , thanks for the memories 🥹!!

    Flames please retire 13.

    R.I.P Johhny and Matthew

  5. Absolutely fucking devastated. He was one of the biggest key pieces to one of our most electrifying cores in flames history, cemented himself as a superstar early on in his career, stuck with the flames through the good & bad and was such an incredible role model for Calgary and the hockey community surrounding this city. #13 must be retired in his honor.

  6. My heart goes out to the family of the Gaudreau brothers! This is heart wrenching. A talented young man in the prime of his hockey career and in the prime of his life! It just shows how fragile, unpredictable and unfair life is. None of us are guaranteed of tomorrow! How sad it is that they were to be groomsmen at their sister's wedding today. I hope that under the circumstances of this devastating event that the wedding will be postponed to a much later date! I am sure it will be and it should be! I know I wouldn't be able to handle it! I wasn't too familiar with Johnny's career, but from what is being told of him he was quite outstanding! My thoughts and prayers are with his loved ones! This is so sad! God bless them all !!

  7. Johnny was such a good person and was a great hockey player and he cared about everyone on this plant and I would love to say R.I.P we will miss you johnny

  8. Whenever someone's nickname includes the word hockey, you know they are a special player. Gordie Howe was Mr Hockey. Decades later Johnny Gaudreau was Johnny Hockey.

  9. Im a lifelong flames fan for over 35 years, and my sons both became flames fans and big fans of johnny specifically over the years. In 2017 my older boy who was 11 at the time and traveling through Calgary with my parents and a huge fan of johnny happened to run into him outside the saddledome one summer day while walking around the building. Johnny was shooting a commercial. My mom and my boy went up and asked if they could get some pics and meet him and johnny graciously stopped what he was doing and took a few minutes to chat and pics. A lifelong memory my son will never forget.
    Today has been just a completely devastating day for my boy and our family like so many others.
    All ive been doing all day is looking at those pictures over and over, thinking this cant be real….

    Thank you Johnny Gaudreau for taking the time that day to make my son a superfan of yours for life.
    R.I.P., you will be missed #13 💔

  10. I loved johnny so much its so unfair that he leaves us this soon. Love from Montreal, Rest in peace brother.

  11. RIP Goudeau brothers.🇨🇦👍💔🌹🌹🏒🏒 # 13;you will be missed on and off the ice ……Goodnight. Johnny☹️🇨🇦🇺🇲…god bless New Jersey!

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