@Flames de Calgary

Présentons nos respects

Le C de Red s’est réuni au Dome pour rendre hommage à Johnny Gaudreau


  1. Much love from a Flyers fan..thanks Johnny for your contributions on and off the ice. You and your brother will be missed. 😢

  2. That drunk driver ruined a wedding, multiple generations of multiple families, took away 2 amazing men, and all to get fucked up while driving.

  3. From Vegas, we see your class from here Flames fans. Johnny Gaudreau was an exceptional talent and person. VGK fans unite with Flames, CBJ and the Gaudreau family.

  4. I never thought I'd live in a timeline where an amazing athlete nicknamed "Johnny Hockey" would be given to an amazing, potential hall of fame hockey player, only for him to be stolen from us before he could earn the highest honors this wonderful sport could offer.

    Reckless driving is a terrible disease of the American people, and why there's such a strong push towards automated cars. This is the cause of that cancer. Another wonderful person taken from us far too soon by a car.

  5. Knights fan. Really sucks that people can just have their life taken at any second when they aren't ready. Hope he's playing hockey in the giant rink in the sky.

  6. Urinating tree did a tribute to Johnny as well. RIP, Johnny. I’m going to take back all I said about you when you left for your new home, and I hope you can forever rest knowing that you touched the lives of so many with just how you worked hard to get to where you were.

    Thank you, #13.

    Forever Flame.
    Forever Jacket.
    Forever great.

  7. I love u Johnny. I remember watching the game on my couch of you breaking the 20 year old recorded that brought flames to the second round against Dallas. I remember I was standing on my couching eating chips while my dad was a the Seattle dome. When u scored that goal I was so excited. Thank you for what everything you done. Love you, fly high Johnny hockey.❤

  8. My condolences to the family, friends and all the fans in Calgary.
    -from a Habs fan
    Johnny was a fantastic player and fun to watch. May he and his brother rest in peace.

  9. It just doesn’t feel real… people die everyday, but it hurts even more when it’s a person who’s been influential to so many hockey fans around the world. And it wasn’t even a natural/normal death, but all thanks to a selfish, evil human being, who I hope gets justice delivered to him. R.I.P Johnny and Matthew. Happy you guys are in a better place

  10. Such a devastating loss, I still don’t even have words. My thoughts, prayers, and condolences go to the Gaudreau family, RIP Johnny and Matthew

  11. Time for more tougher drunk driving laws in Canada 🇨🇦/ United States 🇺🇸! What happened to Johnny Gaudreau was preventable.

  12. When I took my first to Canada I went to see the Stars play the flames, that game got me and my dad hooked on hockey. Seeing Gaudreau play in person was like nothing else. He reminded me of Modano, skating circles around defenders effortlessly, jersey flowing with a smile on his face. Ever since that game I've been a Flames and Gaudreau fan. Seeing them beat the Stars and Oettinger to go to the second round was bitter sweet, but seeing the massive grin on his face after he put us in the bin made me happy in a way no other player could. When he played you couldn't help but watch and root for him. Gone far to soon there will never be another like him R.I.P Johnny hockey, the game lost a legend.

  13. I was never a Flames or Jackets fan, but I always loved Johnny Hockey as a player and respected him, but it's awesome to see everyone in the hockey community come together, not just Flames or CBJ fans either- to mourn the loss of a well loved player.

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