@Canadiens de Montréal

Ivan Demidov est si près de marquer son premier but – Il marque un but sur le poteau – Faits saillants du 9-7-24 (Faits saillants du match complet)

Ivan Demidov est si près de marquer son premier but – Il marque un but sur le poteau – Faits saillants du 9-7-24 (Faits saillants du match complet)



  1. Ivan Demidov (#91 white) had 1 shot, 2 pims, Even, 13:36 TOI. There were some issues with the stream. Next game is Monday.

    Hits the Post 1:22

    Nice Zone Entry/Chance 4:06

    Shot Attempt 6:05

    Creates Another Good Chance 6:40

    Another Shot Attempt 8:17

  2. RoboticAnatomy

    0 points against inferior competition?! What a bust, no wonder he fell 🙄🙄🙄


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