@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[THN] Sam Reinhart, qui a remporté la Coupe Stanley avec le nouveau Leaf Anthony Stolarz, affirme qu’il « a de bonnes chances d’être le gardien dont cette organisation a besoin ».

[THN] Sam Reinhart, qui a remporté la Coupe Stanley avec le nouveau Leaf Anthony Stolarz, affirme qu’il « a de bonnes chances d’être le gardien dont cette organisation a besoin ».



  1. Nylanderthals

    Well he’s scored over 50 goals, so imma believe he knows when goalies are good.

  2. Camarama421

    Incoming Wollarz Jennings and Conn Smythe season

  3. DontToewsM3Bro

    Goaltending has never been the problem

    The problem is core folding in the playoffs every fucking year

  4. bismuth21

    Reinhart would know after a season’s worth of shooting on Stolarz in practice.

  5. Feeling good about our goaltending heading into this season between Woll, Stolarz and Murray even, we’ve got some decent depth. Add in the improvements on the blue line and I hope this means the boys won’t be as scared and play to win vs the play not to loose style they seem to default to in the playoffs

  6. UkeManSteve

    We don’t need your pity quote Reinhardt 🤣 honestly if we’re relying on stolarz to be anything more than a good backup we’re in deep shit. Hope Woll can be healthy and consistent, if not I’d consider springing for John Gibson cause I heard he wants out,

  7. Cody_XOTWOD

    He’s my favourite signing this off season. From his interviews he really wants to be in Toronto and compete for starts with Woll. I think in hindsight we’ll be looking back on this as a great acquisition, at a great price point.

  8. topgun169

    This is kinda dumb. « I shot at him in practice and he’s good » is quite different from being in a game when the pressure is on. Did you see that part, Sam?

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