@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Le Lightning de Tampa Bay s’est-il amélioré ou a-t-il empiré cette intersaison ?

Le rafraîchissement de l’intersaison est terminé. Des tonnes de mouvements ont été effectués après que le Lightning de Tampa Bay n’a pas réussi à dépasser le premier tour deux années de suite. Les Bolts seront-ils mieux lotis après tous ces changements ? Suivez-moi sur les réseaux sociaux ! Instagram : https://instagram.com/seth.buc?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@sethbuc?_t=8c6xIhyhsgU&_r=1 Twitter : https://twitter.com/Talkin_tampa


  1. If Darren Raddysh can settle in to the 2nd PP QB and play a smidge more offensively I think he can make up for some of that sergy offensive loss. Not saying he’s a replacement but maybe he can do some of the lifting on that front. He is a former forward after all and he can shoot like one from anywhere inside the zone

  2. all of these moves were done with the goal of keeping our cup window open right? if we want to analyze whether or not that goal has been met, we need to ask ourselves and answer seriously: is this current roster capable of beating florida in 7? carolina? new york? new jersey? bc you’re going through at least one of them to get to the final. looking at this roster currently the answer in my mind is a resounding “NO”.

  3. Looking at the MINUS list, I only feel bad about Motte. I liked him defensively. Sergy was awful last year before the injury. He was going backwards. Stammer is one injury from retirement and a mess 5 on 5. Everyone could see that. Superstars make fellow linemates better. Kucherov does that and Stammer hasn't done that in years. You don't keep people for the PP only. I see more grittiness and toughness this season despite Tanner leaving and if Sheary can return to his old offensive self, a pretty solid club that might make it to the 2nd round this year. That's if Vasy returns to his former glory.

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