@Flyers de Philadelphie

[32 Thoughts] Philadelphie tente toujours de déterminer où les choses vont aller avec Kolosov, qui n’est pas arrivé au camp et qui reste en Russie. Les équipes qui se sont renseignées ont été informées qu’un 2e choix était le prix à payer, mais, avant que quiconque ne soit prêt à le faire, il faudrait qu’elles sachent si Kolosov les rejoindrait.



  1. PhilAggie1888

    He does not like Western culture.

    Cut the cord. Move on.

  2. toupis21

    2nd seems like a great salvaging of the situation. Can get another highly rated goalie there, the development would just be a bit delayed

  3. BlurstOfTimes11

    I feel like he wants guaranteed NHL minutes and we’re only offering AHL time because both of them came over

  4. Steppyjim

    Dude I’d take the second even if he does come over. That’s a good asset there and the goalie pipe is strong

  5. Perryplat199


    I bet if somehow he played for the Red Star they’d still say he’s “in Russia”

  6. Hrm…a 2nd feels like wishful thinking. He was originally a 3rd round pick, no? Throw in his refusal, and I can’t see why anyone would want to offer that. I’m not sure he’s not even the best goalie prospect we have.

    I feel bad for him if he’s legitimately home sick. Believe me, I can definitely understand that. With our goalie situation, though, there’s a NHL job absolutely up for grabs here if he wants to apply himself. He would definitely have shot here to be #1 versus any number of places he could end up.

  7. Icy-Ad1320

    Can we get a second for him and just move on please. Or we just move on.
    We do have a strong pool for upcoming golies anyway.
    If he doesnt want to be here, so be it.

  8. Would be great to get a 2nd but i have a very hard time seeing a team pay a 2nd for him. 3rd seems like max.

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