@Canadiens de Montréal

[AMA Thread] Arpon Basu – The Athletic (19 h HE ce soir)

Salut tout le monde,

Nous sommes très heureux d’accueillir Arpon Basu de The Athletic pour un AMA ce soir à 19h HE.

Vous pouvez poster vos questions dans ce fil, il commencera à y répondre vers 19 heures HE.

Nous sommes reconnaissants à Arpon d’être revenu pour faire un autre AMA juste avant le début du camp d’entraînement des Canadiens de Montréal, alors souhaitons-lui la bienvenue à nouveau communauté.

Ses derniers articles :

Dans la nouvelle phase de reconstruction des Canadiens, l’information est reine

Ce que j’ai vu au camp des recrues des Canadiens : la sphère d’influence de David Reinbacher

Il est déjà clair que les Canadiens devraient donner une chance à Lane Hutson de commencer dans la LNH



  1. The_Gargoyle22

    A few times on your podcast with Marc-Antoine, you mentioned some noise in the Canadiens organization about Volokhin being the best goalie prospect in the organization. Would you be able to elaborate a bit further on that?

  2. Hey Arpon,

    Last year we saw the habs actually make a pretty aggressive move and waive a veteran with multiple years left (armia) out of camp.

    Do you think they would be willing to do that again this year (ie waive someone making more than buryable money) and if so who do you think it would potentially be

  3. i_ecthelion_i

    Hey Arpon, thanks for doing this! Long time fan of your articles and the podcast.

    We heard that a lot of modernization happened within the organization since the change of leadership, do you have any visibility to what continuous improvement initiatives are still underway? How might they impact the team going forward?

  4. Chinoisguy

    Hello Mr. Basu,

    Let’s get down to the brass tacks.

    Favourite spot to grab a bite near the Bell Centre, and favourite spot in the city?

    Thank you for the opportunity, and keep up the stellar journalism!

  5. GroundInfinite4111

    Arpon, who is scoring more this season? Caufield or Laine? You pick one, I’ll take the other. Loser has to buy beers during one of our playoff games this year. 😏

  6. catman_steve

    Hey Arpon,

    Simple question here. When is the Notebook podcast starting up again? Thanks!

  7. I believe Reinbacher will start in the NHL. As he brings somethings both Mailloux and Barron don’t.

    Do you share my opinion?

  8. Hey Arpon!
    Thanks for all your awesome work. After watching the rookie showcase last weekend has your opinion of any of our young dmen changed at all? Which of Hutson, Mailloux, Reinbacher and Engstrom have the best odds of making the team?
    I was personally very impressed with reinbacher and engstrom. Hutson obviously was electric at times

  9. cgtdream2

    Hi Arpon! Thanks for everything that you do! Simple question: which of the following, in your opinion, finishes the season with the most NHL games played: Reinbacher, Mailloux, Hutson, Barron (waivers exempt). Thank you!

  10. Hey Arpon, thanks for doing this. In the likely scenario the Habs finish with a top 10 pick, what type of player do you think they would target? Is there a glaring positional need you think needs to be adressed?

  11. Hi Arpon – first off, say hi to Marc Antoine for me, love the podcast and looking forward to bringing you both back into the weekly rotation.

    My question for you is around your role as a journalist/insider. Do you ever find it difficult to balance trust with an organization like the Habs while also doing your best to break news to your audience? Are there ever times where you gain information that the Canadiens may not want in the public right away and how do you handle those dilemmas personally?

    PS please add back French episodes! As a native English speaker they were really helpful for me to practice my French comprehension.

  12. JoshMomcry

    What are the odds that two years from now, the Habs are contenders and a certain hall of famer whose name rhymes with Bidney Brosby comes to his childhood favourite team in a bid for one more cup as his contract expires?

  13. Highcaliber101

    Hey Arpon,

    When is the basu and godin notebook starting back up? Also where do you see the canadiens finishing in the season and does mailoux start the season in MTL

  14. Historical_Kale_9164

    Hi Arpon Tx for doing AMA, do you think Alex Barré-Boulet has a chance to crack roster or he’s AHL acquisition?

  15. Why did you say Lane Hutson is like Barry Sanders in his 2nd rookie tournament game?

  16. OGChamplain


    Thanks for doing this. Gotta say I have greatly missed The Notebook this summer. I would listen faithfully to it each week while on power walks this spring, and the longer episodes you guys did at the end of the season allowed me to get all kinds of miles in.

    My question: Can you rank these about-to-be-UFAs in the likelihood of them being traded this season? And conversely, is there an UFA or two from this group you could see HuGo re-signing to stay in Montreal providing the price is right?

    * Armia
    * Barre-Boulet
    * Dvorak
    * Evans
    * Pezetta
    * Savard

  17. Kosty1489

    Hey Arpon, thanks for your time.

    Do you feel like there’s room for a guy like Heineman, Beck or Kapanen to make the team out of camp? And which veteran is most likely be left out on offense?

    Thank you!

  18. Extrevium

    Hi Arpon, just wanted to let you know that i really love your work. Its always nuanced, put in perspective, you find angles that are not exploited by other journalists and you are always fair to the players/managers and the public. So thank you for true unbiased and genuine journalism.

    I can’t find anything interesting to ask so I might as well leave a shoutout. (This is all applicable to Marc-Antoine Godin as well, you guys rock)

  19. Thanks for doing this!

    What was your highlight of the 2023-2024 season?

    What are you the most excited to see in this season?

  20. chanandlerbong76

    I feel as though the colloquial term quarterback for an offensive defenseman is such a misnomer. I think a more accurate term would be point guard because of their ability of distributing the ball/puck and their ability to break down defenses. Wouldn’t that comparison to be more apt? This is what I see when I watch Lane Hutson.

  21. Canadiens25

    Hi Arpon, love your work! How does your fandom of other sports teams (e.g., the Dolphins) impact how you approach writing for your audience at the Athletic?

  22. swiftyhab

    Hey Arpon

    Where can I find myself a $9M job where my boss’ only concern is my happiness? Joking but more seriously, in addition to better team defence, having Laine return to form is critical to establishing a legitimate 2nd offensive line and better PP which we need to have a shot at the playoffs.

    MSL, Hughes, and Laine have all said that the key to him returning to form is just being happy playing the game. What do you think MSL will do to make Laine feel happy playing hockey again?

  23. VinoDino

    Hey Arpon! I believe it was the conclusion that our goaltending was surprisingly steady last year. Do you believe that it was an over performance and if so, given that our D core might get younger with Hutson probably coming in, do you think goaltending will be “worse” and even may be at risk of costing us too many games this season?

  24. DIKs_Steeler

    Hi! What are some of your biggest « hot takes » about the Habs this year (could be about the team, players, trade, waivers, etc..). Thanks!

  25. Hi Arpon!

    The Habs went for late-bloomers a couple times in their last 2 drafts, with guys like Florian, Thorpe and others. Do you have any insight on how the Habs view these picks and what motivates them to reach for that kind of player?


  26. No questions! Just excited for the basu and godin notebook! Thanks for the great work!

  27. Sentenced2Burn

    Arpon, thank you for once again generously offering your time to the fans today, it’s great to have such awesome guests here.

    My question is simple: will we get to see more *Muddy Basu* with you and Brian this year?? You and Mudryk along with Mike Johnson are easily three of my favourite hockey personalities; when you do see them again tell them r/Habs would love to have them both here for an AMA sometime too if they’re game for it!

    Hope you are well and thank you again for stopping by it’s a privilege!

  28. Hey Arpon! 

    My friend and I yesterday were remembering the golden era of The Athletic habs team with you, MA, Marc Dumont, Mitch Brown, Melnick and probably a bunch of others. We were spoiled with good content everyday. Is this kind of coverage a thing of the past? Speaking with a few friend at RDS and things look also kinda bleak in french speaking sports medias, is good sport coverage in danger for the future?

    Thanks for taking the time to answer us and keep up your amazing work!

  29. cheezefriez

    Hey Arpon,

    As more pieces start to fall into place and the playoffs become a feasible goal just beyond the horizon, how do you think the coaching approach will change? Martin St-Louis has been focused on development of young talent, which will obviously still be a focus, but do you think he will be a bit more strict going forward?

  30. shogun2909

    Is Demidov the most offensively talented forward drafted by the Habs since Lafleur?

  31. Hey Arpon, did we ever get the confirmaition that the habs were the team spreading false rumors abour demidov aound the draft? On the same topic, there were memes about how the habs memed chariot for a 1st, monhan for a 1st etc, do u think its just memes or does the new management actively manipulate social media and leaks to get what they want? One thing that intrigued me is when Gorton said pre-draft he has « 0 worries » about Cayden Lindstrom back, could that possibly be to sway CBJ to take him or am i reading too far?

  32. -thirdeye-

    Hi Arpon! Hope your daughter won her water polo match!

    Do you think the team can make some trades before the season starts to open up some roster spots? Or do you think this years mantra of “being in the mix” supersedes giving youngster’s a roll with the big club.

    Thanks and can’t wait for new episodes of the podcast.

  33. Only-Reels

    Hi Arpon

    Why is Bogdan Konyushkov getting no attention despite having one of the highest ceilings of all Habs prospects?

  34. Do you guys ever get memos from the Habs about things to not ask about?

    Context: thought asking Cole about Gaudreau at the charity golf event was classless and unnecessary.

    Bonus happier question: do you have a nose piercing? I always think yes when I see you on TSN but it’s so small. Been wondering for years.

    Appreciate all the content; always looking out for your stuff in the Athletic.

  35. Hi Arpon, bold take time: how many 25 goals scorers do you think the Habs will get this year?

    Over or under 3.5?

  36. Olipod2002

    Hi Arpon,

    Thank you for doing this AMA.

    Do you think David Savard will be traded if the Habs are not in a playoff spot, but not eliminated, on deadline day?

  37. bathbwoi

    Hey Arpon,

    Big fan of your podcast,

    Other than the consensus prospects everyone is expecting to make a name for themselves, who are the dark horse prospects you feel have a chance of stepping up and making a case for themselves, not necessarily to grab a roster spot but at least maybe be in the convo if we get hit with the injury bug (hope that doesn’t happen)

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