@Red Wings de Détroit

Aide à la signature sur Jersey !

Mon fils a reçu ce cadeau de son grand-père. Quelqu’un pourrait-il m’aider à identifier qui est ici ?



  1. nickthegreat101

    Man this is an insane gift for your son, from what I can tell you have: Gordie Howe, Ted Lindsay, Dino Ciccarelli, and Sid Abel. Can’t make out the others but having legends like Gordie, Ted, and Sid Abel on the same jersey is so cool.

  2. bensworkaccount1

    I’m no expert but the signature immediately under the neck looks like Alex Delvecchio

  3. JuiceWaz83

    In addition to the other comments, I also see at least Norm Ulman, Bill Gadsby, Sid Abel, Andy Bathgate and Maurice Richard(!). There’s some legit legends on there. Was his grandpa a former player?

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