@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Mise à jour majeure sur Marner… Friedman révèle la VÉRITÉ sur son avenir | Actualités des Maple Leafs de Toronto

Nick Gosse et Darius Domingues analysent une mise à jour majeure de Mitch Marner qui a été révélée par Elliotte Friedman, et discutent de ce que cela signifie pour l’avenir, car il s’agit de l’une des plus grandes intrigues avant la saison prochaine. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour avoir accès aux avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_EUKCfhWZLk0dX4XxQaZIA/join


  1. Always some kinda BS every year about this team with the same Results come playoff time 😡 at least this singing BS wont be the talk of next year ohhh yeah never mind it's JT's next year lol

  2. Another early exit from the playoffs…………Woll, Murphy are injury prone and Stollarz is barely a backup……….Mariner has no grit in the playoffs, the Core Four will keep sinking this team as long as it is kept together

  3. Continuing to make Mitch Marner the problem with the leafs is ludicrous. When will people look at the team as a whole. Mitch is not the problem with the leafs.
    His play in the playoffs is unfairly targeted. He is a star player who makes the team better. He plays both ways , plays when injured, and wears his heart on his sleeve.
    This guy bleeds blue yet he is continually scapegoated by so called Leaf fans and the press that piles on because they report what the haters want to hear.
    His success is based on his style of play as a playmaker and backchecker. He is not the tough guy or heavy hitter. The team has others who do that. So when Austin and Willy are off injured in the playoffs Mitch becomes the obvious target because too many so called fans can't see the big picture or don't realize the complexity of the pieces each player contributes to the overall team.
    When parts are missing it affects the overall function.
    Rant over

  4. I predicted it months ago.. he’s gonna be given a 6 year deal with a 12M AAV with a full no-move clause or he walks for nothing..

  5. If u move on.. u receive noting in return for one of ur most valuable assets.. the franchise would be negatively impacted by this for years

  6. You can blame how the Mitch Marner story is playing out , on Dubas and Shanahan.
    The by -passing on his no trade timeline.
    That’s why it’s in this S..t storm now.
    None of this could or should’ve happened.
    A total screwup.

  7. I think Chief was the best pick up. Keefe always seemed behind a step coaching on playoffs.
    Chief has made it clear he wants a team with identity and N/S structure.
    I'm thinking this season/playoffs we'll see a different team.

  8. And from other trade rumor that leafs to aquire Versatility Forward PP specialist Frank Vatrano at 50% retained for F Potus Holmburg and F Nick Abruzzese if true or not we will see?

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