@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Daily Shot de DK sur les Penguins : un rebond de Ryan Graves ?

Un rebond de Ryan Graves ? #Pittsburgh #Steelers #Penguins #Pirates #LetsGoPens #LetsGoBucs #HereWeGo #NFL #NHL #MLB #DKPS Écoutez les trois podcasts Daily Shot du chroniqueur primé Dejan Kovacevic (un sur les Steelers, un sur les Penguins et un sur les Pirates) tous les matins de la semaine, ainsi que la toute nouvelle émission DOUBLE SHOT qui suit à 16 h, heure de l’Est ! Comment participer à l’émission : http://www.dkpittsburghsports.com/double-shot ABONNEZ-VOUS À LA CHAÎNE ► https://www.youtube.com/@DKPS_Steelers?sub_confirmation=1 ABONNEMENTS À LA CHAÎNE ► https://www.youtube.com @DKPS_steelers/join APPLICATIONS ► https://DKPS.net/apple | Français: https://DKPS.net/android SITE WEB ► http://www.DKPittsburghSports.com FACEBOOK ► https://www.facebook.com/DKPittsburghSports/ INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/DKPghSports/ THREADS https://www.threads.net/@dkpghsports X ► https://x.com/DKPghSports TOUS LES PODCASTS ► https://linktr.ee/DKPghSports À PROPOS DE NOUS ► DK Pittsburgh Sports est la fière entreprise pionnière et entièrement indépendante lancée en 2014 par le chroniqueur primé Dejan Kovacevic et dotée d’une équipe professionnelle couvrant les Steelers, les Penguins et les Pirates toute l’année et partout où ils vont ! C’est ici que tout a commencé !


  1. Graves should start on the 3rd pair and stay there a while. Keeping it simple and pick up some new tools to the toolkit. Then gradually, maybe not even this season, be in the top 4 and become a mainstay there. The cap hit demands it

  2. Matt Grzelcyk was healthy scratched for boston in the playoffs but is thrown right up on the first pairing here 🙄

  3. I'm not sure why everyone thinks Graves is going to rebound. He's the exact same player as he was in Colorado and Jersey.

  4. Sullivan had one 18 month stretch where he looked like a great coach. Looking back, was it really him or the circumstances? JR kept tweaking the roster up until their great run at the end of 16. Also, Sullivan was able to step out of the usual coaches handbook, VETS 1ST, because he had already worked and gained trust with the young players brought up from WBS.

    The sad reality is Sullivan has overstayed his welcome. He's not a "great coach". He's you standard cookie cutout hockey coach that over-coaches Defense first, doesn't trust youth and lets VETS rule the roost.

    FIRE SULLY…………That is the only hope for this team.

  5. If the powerplay doesnt improve to average within the first quarter of the season, Sullivan's job should be in question. — it's the only plausible scenario to gossip about.

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