@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Origine du maillot violet

J’ai donc trouvé ce maillot violet au marché aux puces aujourd’hui, et je ne trouve aucune information à son sujet en ligne. Quelqu’un a-t-il une idée d’où et quand il vient ?

Je n’ai pas payé cher pour ça donc je suis plutôt content, que ce soit officiel ou une contrefaçon 🤷🏻‍♀️



  1. odinnsbeard

    Those were sold at Hockey Fights Cancer night a couple of seasons ago iirc.

  2. millard_spillmore

    That looks like a practice jersey. All sorts of colors get produced to help group guys by PP, lines, non-contact, etc. That one is older, as Reebok was the jersey maker from 07-08 to 16-17.

    EDIT: Duh, as the other commenter says could very well be an early Hockey Fights Cancer warmup jersey too

  3. AllMyPromisesHurt

    Yeah that’s a praccy jersey. I can’t ever remember seeing that as a warm up jersey. I have three practice jerseys that are the same design made by Reebok.

  4. CoopaClown

    I have one, they would wear them during warm-ups for hockey fights cancer.

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