@Rangers de New York

Pouvons-nous parler de Victor Mancini?!?!

Nous sommes actuellement à la fin de la deuxième période et je pense que de loin, le meilleur joueur défensif sur la glace est Victor Mancini. Il a un but et une passe et a beaucoup de bonnes apparences en avantage numérique. Son jeu dans les deux sens et sa vigilance semblent être extrêmement efficaces. Son échec-avant et son physique sont également assez bons. Le noyau défensif des Rangers étant si incertain quant à l’avenir, pensez-vous qu’il puisse y arriver?



  1. ShouniAishaKuma

    If the Trouba trade happens for Laf/igor cap (more likely than not imo), then Mancini could be a strong RD option to fill the gap. The media seems to be gassing him up big time.

  2. InevitableHome343

    He’s not playing against the top talent from other teams.

    That being said, kid is getting good looks and deserves to move on to the next round of cuts.

  3. SwimmingWerewolf88

    I’m waiting on him to drop a player so I can make jokes about him sending people to sleep world

  4. Intelligent-Zombie83

    Definitely the next top d on our team within a few years

  5. Evilmahogany

    He’s going to start the season at Hartford, but I’m hopeful that he plays this well down there all season. If that’s the case, I could see him getting a call up if there is an injury. Definitely a surprise considering he wasn’t in most prospect articles for the Rangers.

  6. RhythmTimeDivision

    Just watched his shift on the third period five on three. The dude can skate holy crap.

  7. My son and I have been very impressed with him so far. He’s been the most noticeable player that isn’t named Chytl in this game.

  8. JPmoneyman

    He’s quickly becoming a very real prospect for the organization. Still a long way to go but he looks like a diamond in the rough type of player for a 5th round pick.

  9. 00Anonymous

    Boom Boom looked good in terms of hockey sense and positioning for the most part. However, like most of the prospects that played tonight his quickness and agility need some work. Hopefully, he sticks around woth the big club long enough settle in more and show more of what he can do.

  10. ExtremePast

    He had a good game against scrubs. Not sure why people are walking around with boners over it.

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