@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Le gars le plus lourd de l’équipe !?

Quelqu’un d’autre est choqué de voir que Knies est désormais le joueur le plus lourd de l’équipe ? C’est définitivement un joueur à surveiller cette année 👀



  1. reignleafs

    Makes sense with that thick neck of his. The guy is rocking the Corey Taylor neck

  2. Svalbard38

    If we’re talking all players, Stolarz is heaviest at an imposing 243, but Knies is heaviest skater. I think he’s gonna have a great season.

  3. alldawgsgoat2heaven

    I thought Reavo would have been around 240

  4. International_Eye394

    max domi at a thicc 5’10 209 lbs

  5. Knies has me so stoked. I don’t want to set unrealistic expectations for the kid but it’s hard not to believe he’s going to really breakout this year.

    That line was dominant last night and it was evident that Auston and Mitch weren’t even bringing 100% yet.

  6. Opening_Argument_927

    Knies is a rare find. There are only so many big guys with his kind of skillset. I’m excited to see him progress and grow (hopefully with the leafs long term).

  7. I hope he’s not getting too heavy to the point he becomes slower and less agile. I remember Matthews went through a program where he actually slimmed down a bit, and I think that was right before he won MVP? Of course that type of thing isn’t for everyone, Knies definitely has the size to be an imposing guy as long as he keeps weight and speed within balance

  8. heythisisnick

    I honestly thought it would be Hakanpaa, but last season he was listed at 222lbs. Looked up Stolarz and he’s 243!

  9. I did not realize matthews is 6’3” and who the heck is this 6’7”guy?

  10. rusinga_island

    I’ve had a theory for a while that there’s a correlation between a team’s cumulative body mass and how deep they manage to go into the playoffs.

  11. Ill be shocked if he maintains that weight, but buddy is yolked

  12. MentalMidget3

    Y’all realize the numbers are probably inflated..

  13. leafsruleh

    If I’m Cowan, just list me at 5’11 please

  14. IHazenArgument

    What happened to Murray that he weighs 220lbs? I remember him looking emaciated when he came into the league.

  15. SmokeontheHorizon

    What getting ragdolled by ~~a mindless cave troll~~ Gudas does to a mf. Dude’s ready for that rematch.

  16. TacoDirtyToMe

    I thought Tanev would be like 215 or something

  17. ESF-hockeeyyy

    It’s funny, I’ve stood next most of these guys and Marner and Nylander on skates are shorter than me (I’m 6’1). I wouldnt look too much into these numbers but Woll specifically is taller than 6’3. Maybe 6’4.

  18. Time-Barracuda-123

    Knies is the guy that really showed up in the playoffs

  19. Knies in his last year of Rookie Contract and next year going to cost a a lot more too.

  20. cipher7777

    Not at all, he’s a tank. If you’ve ever seen him in a post game interview you can easily see that he’s a big boy.

    As he matures, and understands how he can use his body more to control the play out there, he’s going to evolve into a consistent presence on the ice. We’ve seen a number of games last year where he was unplayable, and the opposition couldn’t handle him. I’m looking for tis to occur much more frequently in the future.

  21. Hoardzunit

    They made the mistake not re-signing him in the summer and focused so much on Marner contract.

  22. banddroid

    Jesus and Maximum Domi busting the scale at 209 when only 5-10! I thought he was skinnier than that.

  23. had a chance to interview him last November in Stockholm. the kid is a monster

  24. jonnywarpspeed

    Marner at 100lbs is a little concerning. Is he ok? 

  25. Halflife84

    He a slow fat dude now. He took the summer off too literally

  26. -aibohphobia-

    Cowboy listed at 5-11.5
    He’s probably thinking, come on just give me the 6 foot listing

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