@Lightning de Tampa Bay

#21 : Meilleur ailier fort

Si quelqu’un est curieux

Un ailier fort est quelqu’un qui peut marquer et jouer physiquement.

Des gars comme Ovi Jarome Iginla ou Auston Mathews



  1. Stinky5hole

    Gratton had all the makings of a varsity athlete…if it weren’t for that blurry fax, what could have been

  2. anwright1371

    Still pissed me off Jeannot wins best fighter. His last fight as a bolt he got fucking rocked. Andre Roy was the guy. He was the fucking guy. Giving Jeannot best fighter is a slap in the face to everyone and you all should be ashamed. This list is officially trash

  3. StevieWeeks

    Killorn should be in the conversation here if you consider him a power forward.

  4. I think we have really had very few true power forwards.

    Ryan Malone might be the best one.

  5. Nytfire333

    Vinny was the last true power forward we have had IMO and was a beast at it.

  6. CaptainNicko83

    Vinny, Malone, then Freddy Modin. In that order, for me.

  7. Allen_Koholic


    Also the best human to ever play for Tampa.

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