@Avalanche du Colorado

MATCH PRÉ-SAISON 1- étoiles @ Avalanche

MATCH PRÉ-SAISON 1- étoiles @ Avalanche



  1. rohlinxeg

    Real ones show up for the jumbotron-feed-only exhibition games with no announcers

  2. rohlinxeg

    I love how they’re putting the name ID on players seemingly at random.

    KYLINGTON IS HERE, he doesn’t have the puck, AND HE’S MOVING 0MPH.

  3. ZeldaTheOuchMouse

    I dont care if its the preseason, ive missed you fuckers 🫶🏻

  4. rohlinxeg

    I choose to believe Ryker is in the 4th row by himself, double-fisting beers and giving color commentary to the empty chairs around him.

  5. chris8816

    The puck tracking plus the lines drawn to connect the players on the penalty kill is fixing to induce a seizure.

  6. rohlinxeg

    Guys, we’re down 1-0 in the first period of the first exhibition game of the preseason.

    Somebody talk me off the ledge.

  7. chris8816

    ESPN Producer 1: Which on ice graphics should we try?

    ESPN Producer 2: Yes.

  8. PuffPuff97

    How pathetic does Dallas have to be to have Kyrou and lundkvist playing against the Colorado Eagles 😭

  9. rohlinxeg

    THAT’S MY GUY… (checks roster card) MATTHEW PHILLIPS!

  10. Awkward_traveler

    How I feel trying to follow this game.


  11. ItHardToSay17

    That goal horn was preposterously loud and i love it

  12. Elusive_Manatee

    More junk on the screen than an Ubisoft game.

  13. Adoreible95

    Halftime vs LIVE SPORTS?

    I think I’d rather have Halftime.

  14. monkinator

    « your event has ended. » I beg to differ ESPN

  15. Skellephant

    ESPN+ I’m pretty sure the event did not end.

  16. Elusive_Manatee

    That means we won right? No reason to check the score later. Good game guys!

  17. This must be why they had halftime after the first period

  18. someguyfromsk

    ESPN out here making sure everyone remembers they are terrible at this.

  19. AllRushMixTapes

    All of a sudden, my radio feed is being broadcast from AM radio straight out of Dayton, Ohio, live on a potato.

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