@Flames de Calgary

Al McInnis a été élu meilleur défenseur ! Qui est le meilleur gardien de but de l’histoire de la franchise ? Comme toujours, pas de répétitions et le commentaire avec le plus de votes l’emporte

Al McInnis a été élu meilleur défenseur ! Qui est le meilleur gardien de but de l’histoire de la franchise ? Comme toujours, pas de répétitions et le commentaire avec le plus de votes l’emporte



  1. dwaterloo16

    My vote is for Kipper, but if it ends up being Vernon, I’m very ok with that

  2. SolsticeShack

    1a. Kipper
    1b. Vernon
    3. Lemelin

    In that order.

  3. Synyster_Suds

    Does this need to be a question even? It’s obviously Karri Ramo. No? Ok, Joni Ortio! Not him either?

    Well it sure as fuck isn’t Mike Smith.

  4. SankityDoup

    We can shut this thread down, we know the answer haha. Kipper all the way

  5. Boomshiner

    Since this one is all sewn-up; who was faster between Lombardi and Donovan? Both were insanely quick

  6. not_essential

    Not my vote but a question: who was the goalie who had real potential but he would get so dehydrated he couldn’t play a whole game?

    My vote is Kipper, a nose ahead of Vernon.

  7. scorpionspalfrank

    Kiprusoff, closely followed by Vernon.

  8. OnlyHereForMemes69

    Obviously Flames legend Grant Fuhr

    Seriously though just slap Kipper up there and let’s move on.

  9. -Ghost-Rider-

    Kipper or Vernon but I say Kipper takes it.

  10. joshow2929

    The goalie that helped the Flames win their only Cup. Hall of Famer Mike Vernon.

  11. Several-Register5195

    Kipper followed by Vernon for sure

  12. Rhett Warrener for best Defensive D-man. cmon now!

    Best outright defender might just be Lindholm actually, if we look at comparisons to others at his position.

    Can’t wait for all the Kobasew mentions for fastest

  13. hockeyjesus99

    Vernon is in the discussion

    Will be Kipper

  14. Joni Ortio? But fun story, a good friend of mine came to visit a few years back and we went flames game. The entire game we were sat beside a group of three guys who were probably on the brink of their blood taking the final step into 100% dome foam. While it was decently numerous for the most part, I can vividly remember one of the guys yelling every 5 minutes, without fail,


    Every single time I watch a flames game, his voice lives on in my head. Sometimes even at work I’ll reminisce. But yes, Kipper is the guy lol.

  15. Specialist-One-712

    It’s Kipper. Love Vernon but it’s not close.

  16. Help-me-name-my-pup

    This is a foregone conclusion (though major stick tap to Vernon). So I’m going to start my campaign today for Grossman as slowest. Remember when McDavid burned by him so easily that he retired?

  17. The greatest Finnish goalie in franchise history

    Niklas Backstrom

  18. I love Kipper but Vernon won a Stanley Cup in the Wayne Gretzky era. I don’t know how you can vote against him.

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