@Flyers de Philadelphie

The Standard : Saison 3 | Ép. 1

L’entraîneur-chef John Tortorella entame sa troisième année derrière le banc des Flyers avec son groupe de direction en place. Découvrez les coulisses avec The Standard : Inside Flyers Training Camp alors que le club se prépare pour la campagne 2024-25.


  1. I love this franchise, however this team is still a work in progress. I really hope they’ll take the next step this season, but it won’t be the end of the world if they don’t.

  2. Very unceremonial the way Torts gave Coots the C last season. I had never seen that video clip before. He could have been a little more respectful about the experience and shown a little more reverence about it. Other teams do. The Flyers once again setting a lower standard. That's not the way a championship team names their captain.

  3. Man lot of talk about culture, playing the right way, and doing the work. Not a lot of talk about doing any winning. Could swallow this culture crap if the team was actually winning.

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