@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Jackson Blake a une vraie chance de figurer sur la liste des Hurricanes de la Caroline

Je pensais déjà faire un post avant cet article, mais je suis curieux de savoir ce que pensent les autres. Blake m’a vraiment impressionné. Il avait l’air absolument attelé sur certaines de ses photos de camp d’entraînement, il a clairement pris une masse sérieuse. Lors du premier match préparatoire, il ressemblait au trio Nadeau, FUS et Blake le plus proche du niveau de la LNH. Il a réalisé de superbes jeux et il était fort avec la rondelle. Il a également joué un solide jeu défensif et a subi des échecs notables même tard dans son quart de travail. Il est évidemment tôt, mais je le vois faire partie de l’équipe plutôt que nos autres espoirs.



  1. ShrillRut

    I think realistically only 1 of Blake, Nadeau, and FUS make the initial roster and as of right now it’s Blake’s spot to lose.

    If I was a betting man I’d have it Blake making the initial roster, FUS starting on the Wolves and getting bumped up after an injury, and Nadeau spends the whole year in Chicago

  2. The_Reddit_Browser

    Been saying it for a while that he’s the most complete forward we have coming into camp.

    When the puck isn’t on his stick he is still making plays and defending at a high level and once the puck returns to him he has the hands and vision to make things happen.

    He was carrying his team last year on offense, he cleared the next player by 21 points….

    He also showed he can draw penalties with his play and then man the power play unit to make them pay.
    He plays a full 200 foot game and that’s what we need.

    The only concern is if he can keep himself from getting out muscled by NHL players and it seems he’s figured out a way to hang so far. Will need to learn from Seth.

  3. UnderstandingIcy8959

    I’m excited about Jackson Blake but I’m not reading the article bc Cardiac Cane is complete garbage lol

  4. Minute-Struggle6052

    Almost every play I’ve seen Blake make this preseaaon has been kind of laughable. He’s clearly used to being the focus but that won’t work for the Canes. I’m honestly surprised at how bad he has been trying to do it all on his own.  

    He just looks like full-confidence Svechnikov with 1/4 the raw talent. I do hope that he comes around with a more team-centered game.

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