@Flyers de Philadelphie

Sujet d’après-match : Islanders @ Flyers – 26 septembre 2024

Insulaires de New York @ Flyers de Philadelphie

Finale : 2 – 0 Flyers

Les étoiles du jeu

  • Première étoile : S. Ersson (PHI)
  • Deuxième étoile : M. Michkov (PHI) Buts : 1, passes décisives : 1
  • Troisième étoile : M. Hogberg (JNI)

Résumé des scores

Par./Heure Équipe Description et lien vidéo Score
3 04:36 PHI Erik Johnson (1) poignet, passes décisives : Cam York (1), Matvei Michkov (1) 1-0 PH
3ème 18h57 PHI Matvei Michkov (1) poignet, sans aide 2-0 PH

Résumé des pénalités

Par./Heure Équipe Taper Description
1er 14h34 PHI 14h00 Mineur Holding – Commis par Travis Sanheim. Dessiné par Kyle Palmieri.
2e 07:57 JNI 14h00 Mineur Slashing – Commis par Kyle Palmieri. Dessiné par Anthony Richard.
2e 12:53 PHI 14h00 Mineur Hooking – Commis par Tyson Foerster. Dessiné par Pierre Engvall.

Statistiques du jeu

SOG FO% PP PIM Clics Blks
Insulaires 37
Dépliants 26

Tableau de bord de la division métropolitaine

Bruins (2) @ (5) Rangers – Finale

Dernier Mis à jour: 26/09/2024 09:38:38 MP HAE



  1. Blursed_Technique

    A Michkov goal and Ersson shutout for my first watched game! I’m so fucking pumped for this season

  2. ProfessorDerp22

    Fantastic game from MM against heightened competition, you fucking love to see it. Awesome game from Ersson too. Thought Andrae stood out defensively as well.

  3. surviveseven

    Anyone have clips of the goals? My 4 year old refuses to sleep.

  4. Sarge3542

    Unsure but at the end there did Ersson look a bit in pain? Hope for no injuries please. 

  5. NotABurner6942069

    Fuck yes. Inject this shit in my veins

  6. trevallen39

    Great result. Still plenty to work on in the defensive zone in terms of clearing the puck. Bailed out by Ersson

  7. rollinintheyears

    Michkov looked great and one of the best empty netters I’ve seen!

  8. TealHousewife

    Really great game! My husband still hasn’t committed to a favorite hockey team, but he ordered himself a Flyers hat during the game which feels like a positive step.

  9. So like… is anyone else still in disbelief that Michkov is ours?

  10. its preseason and its just an empty netter but its great to see matvei’s teammates trying to get him pucks like that. good sign he fits in which is huge for a rookie coming from overseas. also what a pass he made to yorkie through 2 sticks.

    sidenote luchanko still just as impressive, i can honestly see him getting 9 games. a big hurdle for rookies out of juniors is conditioning and Luchanko seems like a fuckin athlete

  11. MangoSlaw

    Michkov looking like our most dynamic player this game even with TK & Tipper in the lineup is a great feeling.

  12. TwoForHawat

    I’ve been deliberately tampering my expectations about Michkov in Year 1, but my god. He looked like a magician in the offensive zone. And I genuinely think he’s going to help elevate Frost to the next level.

  13. Scared-Arachnid6286

    I love Tippett so much, he definitely could have buried a couple of those, but he wanted Mich to get his first goal.

  14. Arseling69

    I take back everything I’ve said this years Flyers team is going to be good af I will hear nothing else.


    Is it time to be irrationally optimistic about the season yet?

    Because I’m feeling irrationally optimistic about the season

  16. Other-Oil-5035

    I love this team and love all of you!! I’m excited 🙌

  17. Perryplat199

    Gona be hard for KolosOFF to beat errsON after that.

  18. cjmaguire17

    Michkov feeds more people than a soup kitchen

  19. Patient_Jicama_4217

    Is it me or does Michkov feel like the best player on the team already?

  20. Peeter_With_2_Es

    Michkov and Ersson standing out is so awesome. Please send Jett back for a year to really carve out his offensive game.

  21. Perryplat199

    You know wat i definitely did NOT need to do. Wear a hoodie under my jersey. Terrible idea

  22. Plain_Dane

    We’re having fun already – absolutely loving it!

    – Always expect a pass from Michkov, his vision and execution is unreal
    – Errson looking solid AF
    – Frosty might just bring the juice this year
    – Richard looking like the perfect extra forward
    – Tippet being unselfish is fun for now, but hopefully he does his thang now that Michkov is flowing
    – TK maybe taking it a bit easy?
    – Jett looking coooomfortable

    Lots more but CBF typing anymore.

  23. blanch926

    Defense looked a tad shakey and some sloppy/lazy passes (and bad clearance attempts). But Ersson looked solid and got that deserved shutout and our youngins looked promising

  24. TwoForHawat

    Felt to me like Jett had a good game, but not a “promote this 18 year old to the NHL” type of good game. He held his own, but we want him to top out much, much higher than that.

    Give him another preseason game or two as a reward, send him back to Guelph to take the OHL by storm, and have the door wide open for him in 2025 training camp.

  25. capnfletch

    I didn’t want to buy into the hype too early and get myself disappointed but Michkov is amazing. His game sense is unreal. Eyes on the back of his head getting the puck on the tape with speed. It’s going to be a fun season

  26. Perryplat199

    It’s a dumb thing to be annoyed about and also extremely early but it’s gona extremely annoying going into February and michkov not having a chance to be an allstar.

    ^(there are reasons why it’s like this but it’s not worth arguing about it)

  27. TheDuckyNinja

    I find the conversations about what to do with Jett rather interesting. He’s an extremely young 18. That means that regardless of where he’s playing, the large bulk of his positive development will come naturally through age-related gains. He will continue to physically and mentally mature whether he’s playing for the Flyers or the Storm. His shot will improve through coaching, but it will improve even more from just naturally getting stronger.

    Because of that, to me, the question isn’t « what’s best for his development ». I think he’ll develop absolutely fine regardless of where he is. You can weigh the pros and cons of different options, but I honestly think it won’t make a lick of difference overall. Instead, I think it’s a much simpler question: is he *clearly* one of the 12 best forwards on this team right now? If he is, he should be on the big league squad. If he’s not, he shouldn’t be.

    The biggest obstacle he’s facing is that he should probably be taking Laughton’s job, but the coaching staff loves him and that’s probably not going to suddenly change. And if it’s not Laughton, it’s probably Cates or Brink. But they’re both young guys who probably deserve another year. Plus, Lycksell probably also deserves a longer look at the top level. So where does he fit on the roster? Really, he just doesn’t. Not yet. That’s not a negative. He’s already good enough to be in the conversation as an extremely young 18 year old, which is amazing in and of itself. To me, if they keep him around for a 9 game sample, it would be to see whether somebody gets injured early in the season and a spot suddenly opens up for him. Otherwise, it’s not worth cutting another player and burning a year of his contract to get roughly the same level of performance they’re going to get from the player they would be cutting.

  28. I think goalie workload management will be the tie-breaker for us this season. Ersson looked great this game and played really well before the departure of Hart. Fedotov really needs to step up, because otherwise Ersson will be overworked.

    Michkov proving more and more how much of a workhorse he is. Really getting into the grind. Salty Habs fans still claiming he’s a diva without team spirit. And those east-west passes directly to the tapes is a thing of beauty.

  29. Perryplat199

    I’m watching the replay on tv after being at the game.

    The new NBCSP graphics package ugly AF. It’s been ugly and on everything for past 2 weeks

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