@Flyers de Philadelphie

Imaginez être un espoir de 20 ans choisi 5e au classement général par les Flyers et refusant de faire partie de cela…




  1. TwoForHawat

    Yes, but have you considered that the team’s GM might say “Sure, you can go back to BC for another year if you want!” instead of begging and pleading for you to sign your ELC immediately? How is a person supposed to recover from such egregious disrespect?!?!?

  2. Arseling69

    Healthy Drysdale on the PP gives me dementia about that dick weed ever even existing.

  3. illadelphia16

    Have you been to Anaheim / SoCal? Probably not or you’d understand. Also have you not followed this team and organization for the last 15 plus years? They are a media entertainment company with a hockey side project.

  4. Imagine being picked 5th overall and not being so different from a hole in the wall.

  5. PonchoSham

    The continued obsession with Gauthier is pathetic. People did the same thing with Ben Simmons. Move on.

  6. It’s killing me that we could have had both Cutter and Michkov on the team at the same time and Jett joining next season.

  7. Cute-Contract-6762

    Bro the passing. Michkovs passing is unlike anything I have seen in a longgggg time for the flyers. He creates so many chances. That Erik Johnson goal set up by Michkov finding Cam York with an incredible pass was the most gorgeous goal you will see

  8. realdeal411

    TBH I really don’t care, he’ll have his career and I’ll worry about dudes who want to be here

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