@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Jordan Hall] John Tortorella a déclaré que les Flyers manquaient de quelqu’un avec les forces de Matvei Michkov. Les Flyers ne vont pas le surcharger d’informations sur le jeu loin de la rondelle, sur la zone défensive. Ils veulent qu’il exploite ses atouts et ne le gêne pas.

[Jordan Hall] John Tortorella a déclaré que les Flyers manquaient de quelqu’un avec les forces de Matvei Michkov. Les Flyers ne vont pas le surcharger d’informations sur le jeu loin de la rondelle, sur la zone défensive. Ils veulent qu’il exploite ses atouts et ne le gêne pas.



  1. This is really encouraging to hear from Tortorella.

    Michkov doesn’t need to have his offensive genius blunted just so he can become a two-way player. Take advantage of what makes him special.

  2. I’ll take things I’d never thought I’d hear this organization would say for $1000 please.

  3. crunchytacoboy

    I wonder if he did similar with Panarin back in the day.

  4. Diamondback424

    « they want him to play to his strengths » THANK FUCK SOMEONE FINALLY MADE A COMMON SENSE DECISION. I’m so sick of the org trying to turn every forward into a two-way player. Let the offensive guys get aggressive and hope their offense outweighs their defensive gaffes.

  5. helmutboy

    Caps did the same thing with Ovechkin. They Let him play his offense game and didn’t focus on D. It wasn’t until he bought in to the concept that by playing D made his line stronger and the team better. They won the Cup as a result.

    Let young Mitch get acclimated to the NHL for a few seasons then build the new dimension into his game.

  6. Meinmyownhead502

    Breath of fresh air. Let him play to strengths

  7. This legit might be the first time I’ve ever seen a Flyers coach take this stance, and I am all for it.

    Edit fml it’s been so long since posting that I forgot I had a Provorov flair. Fuck.

  8. RadkoGouda

    Its pretty clear with Torts that he will let his offensive players have a meh 2 way game as long as they give effort and produce more than they give up. Its the lack of effort and not listening like w/ Hayes/PLD that caused big problems.

    He let Panarin and Werenski do whatever they wanted offensively in CBJ even at expense of defense.

    He does the same w/ Konency and Tippett here.


    It’s annoying that there are still some idiots (mostly on Reddit) acting like Torts is going to doghouse Michkov the moment he tries a skill play when he’s been saying for the last couple months now that he’s a special player who’s going to get a lot of breathing room to adjust.

    I’ve seen Danny comment on it multiple times too. Everybody thinks Michkov and Torts is a match made in hell, but I think it has the potential to be the opposite.

  10. As an Isles fan who was there last night this kid is going to be something special. His vision is next level. His pass on EJ’s goal was absolutely unreal. He does look lazy out there at times. Lingers too much around the blue line and loses his assignment on D a bit which might cost them a few goals this year. But he’s going to be fun to watch.

  11. thats the smartest move torts can possibly make. let him learn from his own mistakes while encouraging some risk. we need a man high anyways ive been fuckin saying it all year, and we need a guy whos first instinct isnt to fall back as soon as possession changes in the offensive zone. everyone else has it drilled into them to play defense, they can cover for him for now

  12. Groovicity

    When Torts is publicly saying he’s essentially taking the leash off a player and he’s not going to push his normal D-first mentality….you KNOW he sees something special forming. Something beyond what he offers with his system.

  13. Icy-Ad1320

    One problem….He cant do everything by him self…

  14. fruitysebbles

    After seeing his goal yesterday, this makes me EVEN MORE excited to see what he can do on the team

  15. The_Mauldalorian

    Goddamn how will Torts discipline Michkov now that he’s refusing to play defense?? There goes his pesky character concerns we were warned about!

  16. ZeroOptionLightning

    Stop, my excitement can only get so big.

  17. So glad to hear this. Can’t forget this is a teenager, his game is still developing – we don’t really have any idea what the finished product will look like, strengths and weaknesses.

    Better to hone his skills once we know what they are.

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