@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Laine doit quitter le match après avoir été touché au genou

Laine doit quitter le match après avoir été touché au genou



  1. PulsarGaming1080

    oh fuck patrik.

    That had to have been a penalty, right?

    I hope he’s alright, want nothing but the best for him.

  2. BigRig432

    Man that’s fucking brutal. Really hope it’s not as bad as it looks

  3. Surprised that wasn’t Robertson who was involved in that contact. Jokes aside that fucking sucks. Hopefully it doesn’t derail Montreal’s season before it even begins.

  4. Csmith71611

    Xhekaj made him pay the price. Don’t particularly care about Laine but man I’d love for us to get a bruiser like Xhekaj

  5. Green9510

    …that’s a year ender probably…Christ he’s cursed doesn’t deserve that

  6. PrudentCantaloupe421

    I don’t want him to do well per se, but I also don’t want him to get hurt in preseason…damn man terrible luck

  7. Jesus christ!! That was awful to watch, really hope there’s a phone call for that from the league. 

    Hoping against hope it’s not as bad as it looks. Poor Patty holy shit.

  8. CubPokeFan

    That’s terrible… it’s just injury after injury, starting to think he’s cursed. Hopefully he gets better soon

  9. dubby_shuffle

    That was awful. Speedy recovery!

    But I do have a critical question: what was Patrik trying to do there on that play? Clearly needed to dish the puck rather than … whatever that was.

  10. mickeyhause

    A part of me feels bad for him and just wants him to finally get going and have success.

    The other part of me (which is currently drunk) feels this is completely predictable that Laine has an injury at an inopportune time

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