@Ligue nationale de hockey

Une blessure potentielle à long terme pourrait être dévastatrice pour Laine et les Canadiens

Une blessure potentielle à long terme pourrait être dévastatrice pour Laine et les Canadiens



  1. Porkchopp33

    Feel terrible for Laine got the fresh start he was looking for and gets a potentially season ending injury in preseason

  2. canadiantpain

    Knees can be career ending. Let’s hope he makes a swift recovery.

  3. Item-Hairy

    Leafs die hard here. I was rooting for Laine as much as anybody. It literally made me feel sick to see that.

    I really hope it was just a hyperextension and he’s back by November. I think the majority or hockey fans everywhere are rooting for Patrick

  4. Goalcaufield9

    That headline is brutal. “Possible star player gets hurt, will effect the team” no shit

  5. IceCreamLover124

    They were going to suck this year again anyway

  6. Grinning_Dog

    I hate the Habs but it’s more fun when they’re good. Huge bummer for Laine, the team, and the fans.

  7. Ill_Assignment4369

    Brutal. Also coming off abuse issues. I truly hopes he has a good support system. Such a shame. Preseason is such a tricky situation with contact sports. They should play 2-3 max in next collective bargaining. These injuries seem to always be caused by hungry upstarts too. Not gonna say the Laine hit was intentional, but it didn’t look necessary either. He was already off balance.

  8. Guilty_Explanation29

    That’s the risk you take in hockey

    To make it worse. Apparently people have now leaked Pares parents addresses on old Instagram posts.

  9. Fit-Meal4943

    Nobody deserves that kind of injury. Last I heard they’ll re-examine it in 6 weeks.

  10. AmonDiexJr

    All right, who’s good at the draft next summer?

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