@Canadiens de Montréal

[Cloutier] Gorton à propos du repêchage 2022 : « Un joueur nous a regardé de haut lors du repêchage parce qu’il voulait être ici. »

[Cloutier] Gorton à propos du repêchage 2022 : « Un joueur nous a regardé de haut lors du repêchage parce qu’il voulait être ici. »



  1. thomas_bombadill

    I don’t think he wanted to be here, he just wanted to be 1OA

  2. Saminosity

    Like that toxic ex that is mad cause you broke it off before she had the chance to but was going to anyway…tsk tsk tsk

  3. Obviously he wasn’t the pick for us but I think hes gonna have a pretty good year.

  4. Seraphin_Lampion

    Wright will be a good player but I’m very happy with our marble colossus.

  5. Chief_top_leaf

    Im contemplating drafting him for my salary cap league, what do you guys think his stat line is gonna look like?

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