@Flames de Calgary

Les Flames s’en prennent à JT Miller pour avoir touché Kevin Rooney

Saison 2024-2025 Flames de Calgary contre Canucks de Vancouver 10/9/2024


  1. Vancouver fans are literally the most classless, disgusting fans in sports. A guy is laying unconscious on the ice and theyre chanting JT miller. What a bunch of losers

  2. Awkward & clean hit, but you're all a bunch of clowns in the crowd chanting JT Miller when the other guy is hurt that bad on the ice

  3. Nothing wrong with the hit. Just a battle for the puck, where one guy had more forward momentum, and the guy getting "hit" (technically it was Miller with playing the puck) just landing awkwardly against the boards.

  4. while it looks like a legal hit, it was entirely unnecessary. Miller literally had the puck and could have easily made a play. Maybe he thought Rooney was going to make solid contact on him and was preparing to reverse it, but Rooney was just going for the puck from the looks of it. Really hope he's okay

  5. Wasn't a dirty hit by miller at all ( I am a Canucks fan lol mad we lost) just an awkard one where Rooney was trying to get posession of the puck at least he aint Tkachuk

  6. Might not be intentional, or 'dirty' but given where he was and how he was positioned. It's dumb of Miller to pivot to hit him in that grey area of the boards. Good for him for answering the bell.

  7. I dont know. Everyone here saying this was clean. He was in a weak position, with a dangerous distance to the boards. This is a dangerous hit and Miller, not Rooney is responsible for the outcome.

  8. I love hockey…. But we need to come up with a penalty for retaliating against a clean hit. I get it when it’s a cheap shot or an illegal hit. I even understand giving some extra love to a guy after he crushes one of your teammates- but a fight over a clean hit?? Give your balls a tug boys-eh?

  9. This was not a good hit, the player missed the pass and the puck was coming right to Miller's stick, he ignored the puck and finished the hit instead

  10. Props to Vancouver fans for stopping the taunting once they realized the Calgary guy was actually hurt.

  11. How can anyone possibly call this a clean hit ??!! First of all , Rooney didn’t even touch the puck. The puck then travelled about 8 feet … ON TO MILLER’S OWN STICK. In addition to Rooney not touching the puck , a full 2 seconds elapsed before Miller laid him out … while essentially having the puck ON HIS OWN STICK !! 2:27 – puck slides by Rooney untouched. 2:28 – puck is heading toward Miller. 2:29 – Miller lays illegal check with puck ON HIS OWN STICK !

  12. Preface: no true hockey fan wants to see any player get hurt. That said… Rooney had a choice. Play the puck and take the hit or not touch the puck so that any contact would be illegal. He chose to play the puck making him in possession and eligible for contact. Rooney barely touched the puck, but it was enough to change the path (direction) of the puck. Rooney definately got some blade on it. That was a legal check. What was absolutely disgusting was what #43 did. #43 should've gotten a game misconduct and automatic review. That assault and mugging is absolutely unacceptable. There's nothing that can justify what he did after a legal check. Miller's hit was not a dirty play. Goofball NHL and idiotic officiating!

    If you want to support your club, then drop gloves with a participant that also drops gloves. These ridiculous scrums that start with a crosscheck to the head from behind have NO place in hockey.

    Give 43 a game misconduct and a 2 day suspension. Scrums are ruining hockey.

  13. Unfortunate that Rooney got hurt, but that was anything BUT a dirty hit. Why is it every time a guy gets hit, clean or not, the other team seems to feel the need to start punching people? Ridiculous. We're witnessing the pussification of the NHL.

  14. Ah yes. Canucks fans chanting Miller name while a guy lays on the ice completely fucked up. Vancouver losers at it again.

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