@Flyers de Philadelphie

Changement des Flyers-Sixers du Wells Fargo Center

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment l’équipe du Wells Fargo Center transforme l’arène de la glace des Flyers en bois dur des Sixers lors des journées doubles ? Regardez cette vidéo en accéléré.


  1. Interesting – unfortunately the number of crew members that it takes to accomplish this, outnumber the number of fans who actually show up to the game – and it's all because they traded Moses.

  2. sucks for the crew today. flyers just got done it's 3:53pm. sixers game starts at 730pm..not much time to change it over. especially if players need time to warm up and prepare

  3. I was apart of this crew for one season and then i quit. Man after the hockey games you have to work on the ice until you put the floor boards down then put the court down piece by piece its a two man job then a guy comes and screws the floor together

  4. I hired on in 1996 as the building superintendant of operations and in charge of all changeovers/building conversions. This was the inaugural year for the new building,- the Corestates Center. It doesn't get easier considering how diverse the South Philly Sports Complex has become; with the Phillies/Eagles north Philly Flyers, 76'ers, Phantoms- minor league hockey affiliate, Kixx Soccer; Lacrosse and Bulldogs Rollerhockey, -Once a year the B&B Circus drops,       To Be Gtrateful with The Dead              p

  5. Is there any video of the time the ice started melting underneath and they had to postpone the sixers game?

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