@Flames de Calgary

Cela aurait-il dû être une pénalité de 2 minutes ?

Cela aurait-il dû être une pénalité de 2 minutes ?



  1. Am I completely out to lunch? Miller’s only intention was to light Rooney up… before, during and after Miller had possession. I see the argument Rooney was reaching for the puck, I just didn’t know the puck carrier could target players without possession who aren’t trying to make contact. Not sure if the circumstances fire boarding are met, so I’m not making that claim.

    I got crazy criticized in the r/NHL and am starting to think I’m wrong. If I am, I’ll happily change my tune.

  2. Chemical_Signal2753

    I fall firmly in the category of « I don’t know. »

    If Rooney had the puck, I think that would have been boarding but since he didn’t have the puck I don’t know if it is a penalty.

  3. Less-Hunter7043

    Interference is hitting a player who doesn’t have or didn’t recently have possession of the puck. This is interference. It’s not a dirty hit, but it’s 100% a minor penalty.

  4. Comfortable_Fly468

    I think it was more of an unfortunate circumstance then a penalty but I loved the Mantha’s response to Miller and challenging him

  5. eddiebronze

    Rooney’s stick doesn’t even appear to make contact with the puck but funny enough Miller’s does and in spite of that, he ignores the puck completely to collide with Rooney.

    By the rulebook it’s not boarding because Rooney doesn’t violently or dangerously hit the boards. He could have had he fell differently and made contact with his head, for example, but he didn’t so it doesn’t qualify based strictly on the rule.

    It could possibly fall into the category of charging and the severity of that minor/major/match/game misconduct would be up to a judgment call by the referee.

    It could also fall into the category of interference as u/Less-Hunter7043 pointed out and I agree is the most likely case in this scenario. Under the rule book it sure seems to fall into the category of a pick laid under rule 56.1: A “pick” is the action of a player who checks an opponent who is not in possession of the puck and is unaware of the impending check/hit. A player who is aware of an impending hit, not deemed to be a legal “battle for the puck,” may not be interfered with by a player or goalkeeper delivering a “pick.” A player delivering a “pick” is one who moves into an opponent’s path without initially having body position, thereby taking him out of the play. When this is done, an interference penalty shall be assessed.

  6. Haiku-On-My-Tatas

    I don’t think it was a dirty hit, just unfortunate.

  7. klondike16

    Rooney played the puck and bounced off, miller was expecting him to hold it. Probably could’ve been an interference but at the same time it wasn’t agregious. The boards did most of the damage and Rooney was reaching so he couldn’t protect himself.

    To me it’s a play that will happen in hockey. No more no less.

  8. Is this not a classic boarding penalty? Growing up we were taught that hitting a player who’s a few feet from the boards into the boards and if you did it’s boarding. These days, you see boarding called more on CFB type of plays and I feel like the game has almost forgotten about this play lol. Then if you apply the logic the NHL uses on penalties (if there is any), a player got hurt as the result of a the infraction and call of a major.

  9. Mattybourbon

    Our player got hurt, so that initially will put a bias on our own responses. When I initially saw the replay, I also thought it was deserving of something. After watching it a few more times, I’m satisfied with the non-call. Shit happens and I’d rather get one like this not going our way than a true missed call in a game that matters.

  10. I don’t see it as anything other than a hockey play.

  11. Straight-Plate-5256

    No? I liked the response from the boys but it wasn’t a dirty hit, nor was it a penalty

  12. Unfortunate he got hurt, but the hit was clean, so no, shouldn’t be a penalty.

  13. Doodlebottom

    I think he knew there was, on a balance of probability, a chance of a bad fall into the boards.

    He could have made an adjustment as he was coming in. But didn’t.

    People know what they are doing

    He’s played hockey for awhile now

  14. Republic-Of-OK

    I think the strongest argument I’ve heard for a penalty on the play is for interference. I haven’t looked at it enough in slow motion, but the argument is that Rooney wasn’t controlling the puck so the hit would’ve been Interference if anything. I can live without a penalty on the play – I think the injury like others have pointed out, is more of a result of, bad luck and an awkward place on the ice to be hit. 

  15. mackharp0818

    No. Was perfectly fine, just a shitty result

  16. DonatoXIII

    IMO its a 2min interference penalty. Miller braced for the impact and Rooney didn’t. It’s more of an unfortunate collision then anything else but Ronney didn’t really have possession at the time of impact.

    Miller also is a very competitive guy and I think he went into the play a tad bit too aggressively.

  17. usernamealreadytakeh

    Probably not, it’s a clean hit, just sucks that Rooney got injured on the play

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