J’ai trouvé ce maillot dans un magasin local – je pourrais peut-être le récupérer, mais c’est assez cher pour une trouvaille de bonne volonté. Curieux de savoir si quelqu’un sait quelque chose sur la gamme de maillots de celui-ci – je n’ai jamais vu ce style moi-même. C’est adidas, de marque NHL, sans plaque signalétique ni numéro.
Des répliques de maillots d’entraînement peut-être ?
Allez les chats ! Bobby est notre sauveur. Pauly sait tout. Que Dieu bénisse les garçons.
Looks like a standard practice jersey. They all tend to look like that, just in different colors. They don’t actually practice in their on-ice game jerseys.
[Here’s](https://www.instagram.com/p/DBCA1A4pmwS/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) an example of a current Fanatics practice jersey.
It’s a practice jersey, though idk which year it’s from
What was the price?
These are the practice sweaters the team wore last season and during most of the adidas jersey era.
They’re practice jerseys. They usually sell for about $40. I have a Flames one that I use for Beer League.
Great for a jersey to play in. But not sure what else you would do with it.
Practice sweater
that’s Lenny. he’s just hangin around. he likes to chill over the guitars so they’ll tickle his balls
Practice jersey.
In most practices teams have lines wear different colours. So you’ll see in one practice like 4 of the same jersey but all in different base colours.
Alternatively, sometimes red is a non contact jersey for a guy recovering and not to be hit. Panthers already wear a lot of red so in their case that might not apply they might use a different colour for that.
It looks like an official practice jersey.
Damn!! I’ve been looking for a practice jersey