@Red Wings de Détroit

JT Compher, Ben Chiarot, Derek Lalonde Commentaires après le match | 17 octobre contre NYR

JT Compher, Ben Chiarot et Derek Lalonde parlent avec les médias après le match des Red Wings contre les Rangers le jeudi 17 octobre 2024 au Little Caesars Arena.


  1. Take away all the special teams and we still lose 2-1 Lalonde, you can't just blame it solely on that. Light a fire in our boys or we'll be playing for a draft pick by February.

  2. Ivw been a dumb delusional supporter of SY. I know hewont get fired but if ut were up to me he'd be gone. He has no clue what an NHL goalie looks like nor does he have a clue wgat to do with 1 free agent dollar.

    I have no faith SY has any idea how to get Detroit out of being the laughing stock of the NHL…NONE

  3. Chiarot had something really important to comment on. "We have a lot of guys on defense who are very offensive minded and haven't bought into the mindset of playing D in our zone."

    Yeah. We feel that.

  4. I envy fans of teams who don't fear any opponent. The Rangers have had our number for years. Sometimes it doesn't seem like the wings have gotten better until they start to flip some of these matchups where teams have had their way with us. Almost time for Steve to change his strategy.


  6. THIS IS NOT ON LALONDE. The team is poorly designed. Give Wahlman and a second away for nothing. Now our D core is terrible. This was supposed to be our year. But I still belive we can make the playoffs! We need playoffs!!!

  7. Please trade Kane to a team that if nothing else will be able to shoot his beautiful passes on the power play into the wide open net. This is every game now. He's got 1 point despite putting it on a tee for Raymond, DeBrincat, Compher on the power play every single game to start the year. This is just sad. I have no idea what he was thinking coming back here to this. He must have just not cared at all about 500 goals or getting the 90 points to catch Modano. Bc there was no clear path to it given what was on the team and who the coach is. And that was even before the horrific power play fails started.

    Expected goals (all situations) w Kane on the ice: 6.31
    Actual goals (all situations) w Kane on the ice: 2

    SHOOT IT INTO THE NET WHEN HE PASSES IT TO YOU AND THE NET IS RIGHT THERE AND WIDE OPEN. Ray in game 1, Compher last game, Cat tonight. Game was lost when Cat missed that open net in the 1st. It's unacceptable. What does he think his job on the team is? It's to make that shot.

  8. The fact that Seider doesnt have an A on his jersey tells you all you need to know about this team. They literally do things backwards. Youre not "rebuilding" if you continually sign veteran free agents every year who take up roster spots for your prospects during your rebuild. Edvinsson should been on the team all of last season along with Berggren. Johanson shouldve played the last 30 games or so like Edvinsson did. Now we've got Kasper and Danielson down in the AHL overripening as we speak. Kasper should be in the top 6 of our NHL team right now. 😂 again ass backwards logic franchise still doing what Ken Holland was doing when the Red Wings were almost done with their 25 year playoff streak. Yzerman needs to learn and Lalonde is an egg head moron. Copp can go, Rasmussen can go, Cmopher can go, Veleno can go, Husso can go, Chariot can go, Holl can go, Petry can go. BRING UP YOUR FCKING PROSPECTS.

  9. All the people in these comments crying like children acting like the season is over after 4 games….Jesus people get a grip.

  10. The comments are spot on today. Sick of the positive people trying to act like this is okay. Everyone’s bringing the juice and I love it. Truly wish we would just fire Lalonde and Tanguy and make Draper Coach the rest of the season. No doubt about the offense? Y’all literally cannot score.

  11. NY is one of the best teams NHL the red wings are barely top 10, they will be much better when some of their recent top draft picks make it to the team. Steve knows what he’s doing!

  12. Sieder is out there defending on his own. The poor guy hasn't had a legit partner since his NHL debut. Scratching Johansson was a joke. Copp, Ras, Fischer are useless. And I like Veleno but don't see his value anymore. Talbot needs to take blame on 3 of the goals. He was slow as hell for two of Panarin's goals and the Mancini one was brutal. Our "Star" forwards are non existant. Kane was coasting for the 4th game in a row. Rangers man handled the Wings all night. Yzerman has built a terrible roster. It's crazy the Wings are up against the cap with this average roster. Lalonde needs questioning now.

  13. "just got away from us on the PK" sure Derek but this team doesn't currently have an offense, let alone a defense. if you look at our top 6 we should score 3-5 goals a game. we don't have that for whatever reason?

  14. As much as I wanna give Alex Tanguay credit for last year's success on special teams he is starting to lose any kind of favor he had in my book if he can't motivate some results out of this team.

  15. Newsy, totally disagree with you that it's about PP/PK.
    It is about the most fundamental thing that you and the other staff lack by not motivating the team.

    During your time as a coach, the teams have never managed to play a solid 200ft defensive game.

    Newsy, your time in the organization is coming to an end, everything is written on the wall. # FreeNewsy

  16. Change needs to start with head coach. Then the pro scouting department. There is no excuse to not bring Kasper up now. Guys are too comfortable and unmotivated. Their play tells this. Very little about this entire organization is positive in the present day.

  17. JaredBruessel you 🤡, where you at???? All pre season you were chirping this team was struggling because it was ‘pre season.’ Defending then the entire time. Well, this team friggin stinks! Don’t go disappearing now!

  18. ENERGY! Show some fucking energy LALONDE. Look and listen to your guys, they got no life! No more excuses, get his ass out of here!!!

  19. Blashill 2.0! This coach is not very good. The Wings look tired after 4 games. No zip, no legs. All this talent, and no system.

  20. The best players should play, period! Kasper showed in the preseason that he his ready to challenge for a top six spot, a slam dunk at a minimum in top 9… Him showing he was the top forward in the preseason and still dont get a spot is just telling how much contracts is valued over actual quality on the ice. Tarasenko has this far showed nothing at all that says he should def be in the top six, maybe a bit to satisfied after getting his 2nd cup… Having a pure "shut down line" when you cant produce is pretty useless, to much hangs on the 1st line this year for goals. Compher is likely best used as a 3rd line center and Copp a 4th line C, but they arnt played to those smaller roles but keeps getting put out there… They have a lot oftast stuff to figuere out with little time to do it… Special trams, goalies, top 9, team defense and so on…

  21. 10 minutes of good hockey and 50 minutes of watching. The effort it takes to earn the money to buy the tickets is greater than the effort put out on the ice. It's NOT just a motivational thing, or lack of coaching discipline; it's a TALENT DRAIN. The obsessive focus on Kane as some kind of Messiah and Larkin as a superstar has to stop. The Hopium smoking hides the fact we have no LEGITIMATE superstars that raise the level of play and no defenders who instill fear in opposing forwards. Mo may be steady and a consistent shot blocker, but he's no Vladdy or even Kronwall. Losing Wally and Ghost exposed the weakness of a bad puck handling blueline. I was hoping we'd snare a Gudas or Trouba or even Dumba, but it's hard to get any UFA to WANT to come to Detroit unless you overpay. At this point it's F this year, eat the bad contracts and play the kids.

  22. Red wings fucking suck, Stevie ruined the team we had last year now we will be lucky to be a .500 team with zero defense . Yezerman has to go

  23. We need to just clean house… trade who we can and get some more picks and clear out the coaching staff… and tbh… new GM also… this team is trash

  24. What I want to know is where is our captain at during these interviews after tough loses? During our downward slope zetterberg did damn near every interview and held the team accountable.

  25. “Down the stretch” is all season, boys. You’re playing at _ this level. You need to be at – this level.

  26. I mean it’s early in the season but holy hell this team does not look anywhere near what last years did. Efficiency and confidence with making passes and breaking out of our zone is non existent. Dump and chase is already getting old 4 games in….. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  27. Woof. Some spicy comments out there today, haha 😅 good news… we have 78 more games… bad news… the same stuff I saw in the first half of the season last year is coming back quickly this season. I watched literally every single game last year. Glad to hear Kasper is coming up. Let’s see what the kid can do!

  28. @ 2:45 Chiarot talks about offensive guys not buying in yet to play defense and I agree totally. The defense is not responsible for how shaky and disorganized the offense and PP look. Why we didn't re-sign Ghost or Perron is a mystery as well. The replacements are not good so far. As for Steve, he shows little indication that he trusts the youngsters which may be a fatal flaw for his regime the further we get into the season.

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