@Bruins de Boston

Monty est-il allé trop loin avec Marchand ?

Lors de la défaite 2-1 en prolongation samedi, il y a eu un incident entre Jim Montgomery et Brad Marchand sur le banc des Bruins de Boston. Monty semble mettre la main sur Marchand tout en lui criant dessus et 32 ​​Thoguhts the Podcast en a parlé en détail aujourd’hui. Je partage mes réflexions sur tout, mais j’aimerais avoir de vos nouvelles. #nhlbruins #bostonbruins #bradmarchand #nhlnews #bruinsnews


  1. The “team” isn’t playing well overall. And to scream at the Captain doesn’t fix the problem. (IMO) it undermines the Captain. I’ve been in a position of leadership, (not sport related)I have called out the leaders of groups, but in private. Bad move on Monty’s part and a bad look. I don’t think he should be fired for that. However the team isn’t playing well, that’s where Monty’s job could be in jeopardy.

  2. Terrible play by 63 trying to dangle through 3 players at the blue line. Just awful. I got not problem with Montys reaction. It was a slap on the back like say "lets go!!!"

  3. A lot of 2024 opinions here in the comments… it is not surprising at all… but its very sad for the future generation…

    ⚫🟡⚫🐻🚨 Go B's Go 💪🏻

  4. Hockey has to many psychology idiots holding the players hands. Boo hoo. Brads play was junior level stupidity but hes getting paid. Modern hockey fans are puppies. Watch some 1970s flyers games and grow a set. Been a hockey fan over 50 years but started watching NFL recently because it's a contact sport and exciting as hell to watch. Modern nhl hockey is a non contact pussy sport. It's a fast version of beer league hockey. Nobody other than 4th line finish off thier checks which is why the are having success. The other 3 high paid lines are floating thru the games. Hockey is a woke joke. This was jarring ? Elliot Freedman is a super pussy. Don cherry must be throwing shit at his TV if he's even bothering to watch this crap.

  5. Short term thinking led tp Cassidy being fired. Debrusk and Krecji are now gone, and we are left with Montgomery who gets whipped every playoff and only managed to squeak out a series win over a worse coach in Queefe. If Sullivan gets fired by Dumbass in PITT then he needs to be scooped up. More likely signing is Quenneville which will drive 1/3 of the fanbase nuts. 😵

  6. Mongomery rocks. If he cant hold stupid to account then the bruins will and are playing like pansies. Friedman got his psychologists degree from the back of a 1970s comic ? He should send away for the cardboard submarine and go somewhere nobody canhear his irrelevant bullshit

  7. I been in the military for the past 17 years… and let me tell you something… i saw a lot… but i mean A LOT of change… mostly since the past 6-8 years and let me tell you something again, they are not all for the better… at some point you need that kind of stuff… its not made for everyone but it is what it is… when you get shot and your life or your brothers life is in danger… there is no time to put on the white gloves and start talking about "how do you feel"… its time take decision and take action… then move on… its called war mentality…

    -ubique 🪖

  8. The "contact" was not any form of issue. It's a tap to make sure the right guy is hearing his rant. Marchand is no baby.
    Normally I am not for anyone yelling at any employee at any time but I have always said that if I screwed up the same task/s again and again I would expect to get yelled at at my job. Marchand is turning the puck over again and again and in that situation….3rd period with a 1 goal lead he made a bone-headed turnover yet again. Monty chewed him out and deservedly so. So far this year the boys on our team with the "C" and "A's" are not playing and making the decisions to warrant having them. They must do better.

  9. Brad screwed up and he knows it, monty gave him a wakeup call. I saw nothing wrong with it. If brad had scored a goal monty would have touched him harder then that.

  10. Agree he doesn’t have the right to put his hands on any player especially on national tv how degrading Maybe coach needs a drink

  11. Bruins Die Hard is by far the best coverage to get your Bruins news. Low Quality is good, but 25-55 minute podcasts are way too long. Thank you for your continued reporting- btw, what is your name?

  12. There might be some frustration with Marchand's lack of production to this point. Mind you, the guy is coming off multiple surgeries. He's also getting older; it was spring of 2011 when he scored 2 goals in game 7 of the finals. That was over 13 years ago.

    There was no hit or punch or kick on the bench. It was just a tap. If a coach can't tap a player on the shoulder, may as well rename this from National Hockey League, to National Pansy League.

  13. Personally, I think “the hit” was more of a “get your head into the game, let’s go!” Kind of thing.

  14. That's hockey and has been hockey since I have been watching since 1970s. Please don't make a bigger deal of it than it is. I will sick Don Cherry on you!

  15. Monty sucks. He cuddles and relies on his "veterans" far too much. He keeps misusing young talent and keeps them on such a short leash that it's impossible for them to grow. If he was a decent coach, he would drop Coyle to the third and promote Potras. That and he wouldn't keep putting Morgan Geekie on the second line. The dude is a black hole for offense.

  16. The statute of "never touch a player" is a good one, and it allows the removal of abusers. However, this was a Nothing-Burger, and any player that would use what Monty did to get Monty fired is weak and a terrible leader.

  17. He should have waited until they went to the dressing room. Did he think Marchand didn't know he made a mistake? If you criticize the captain the only one left is you. Marchand deserves respect, something Monty apparently doesn't have yet. I want to see Monty screamed at every time he screws up.

  18. This has become part of the contagion of making mountains out of micro-aggressions (I don’t feel it was a disrespectful micro-aggression more importantly). I’m not saying it’s ok to go around putting your hands on people at all! But in the context of this situation……Montgomery wants his message heard…that’s his job. And let’s be honest Marchand is NO pu$$y. He’s hard-core and I think he understands his coach is NOT doing that out of disrespect! They’ll work it out fine I believe.

    Now if he slapped Marchand across the face? Welllllll…that’s different IMHO

  19. Actually, no better example of this, is Belichick laying into Brady or some other team leader. Frankly, THAT sends more of a message than the coach yelling at some bottom 6 guy on a call up

  20. Why hasn't Montgomery found any fault with his rookie Poitras and his 3 turnovers this game??? Time for Monty to go!

  21. This is men’s league for guys making more salary in one season than we will make in our life – and I was also expected to perform to my ability. Tapping on the shoulder is not the same as an office setting. Hockey is physical, period. If this becomes an issue in any way by the NHL I may as well switch to professional basket weaving. Marchi is not going to make this an issue – no way. Go Bruins!

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