@Ligue nationale de hockey

Lequel de ces joueurs est le plus précieux pour son équipe ?

Lequel de ces joueurs est le plus précieux pour son équipe ?



  1. funnyfartsmells

    Wtf are the isles without barzal

  2. Revisals

    barzal, although marner is the most valuable player here overall

  3. LumbaJ4cked

    We saw last year if Barzal isn’t a point per game scorer NYI stands still while their goalies post one of the lowest GAA in NHL

  4. darthjeary

    Barzal. Isles suck but suck worse without him.

  5. duck1014

    In order:


    and finally

  6. DKY_207

    I think it may be Aho but just slightly over Barzal. He’s a great player on a great team but I don’t think they would have won the metro last year without him.

  7. makarmackinnonstan

    Islanders without barzal=big yikes

  8. squadracorse15

    I think Aho is the most valuable overall, but the Isles are way more dependant on Barzal than the Canes are on Aho.

  9. mymothershorse

    Marner is a tier above the other three so… Marner.

  10. imcletchie

    Barzal. Not even close

    Marner has Matthews, Tavares, Nylander, Rielly, etc. a very good core

    Aho is terrific. But Carolina has solid forwards around him – Svechnikov, Teravainen – and their D core is very very solid

    St Louis has great veterans. A lot of good, solid pieces. Kyrou and Thomas are the next ones, but the Blues have good players around them in all positions

    Barzal has a floundering Bailey and Nelson. Lee is decent. Their blueline is Dobson and….?

    Easy choice

  11. Several_Tangerine956

    Canes fan here I say Aho.

    Major stud and without him we would struggle

  12. KrebsCollector

    Barzal, maybe Aho but the Canes have other players to rely on. The Isles don’t really have a star besides Barzal

  13. GoPensGo8758

    Id say Marner and pretty easily, the player who’s most valuable is also the best player. Even if you want to look at it the other way Barzal hasn’t even been a point per game scorer in 4 years and isn’t nearly as good as Marner defensively

  14. Agreeable-Shower-909

    Seabass 100%. The other 3 can’t make the playoffs/make out of the first round WITH these players on the team

  15. Fit_Bandicoot1933

    Mitch marner he has an assist on every matthews goal if it wasn’t for his speed and passing matthews would not have so many goals

  16. Markussh98

    Marner is getting a bit underrated here. I agree Barzal and Aho are more valuable overall to their team just because they don’t have the same supporting cast but when Marner didn’t show up in the playoffs in 2021 the Leafs fell apart. His play this year helped them push the bolts to the brink. If the leafs ever make it out of the first round with this core he is going to be a huge part of that.

  17. ZzzMe0wMe0w

    The one in the top 10 in scoring.

  18. UkeManSteve

    Marner. Overshadowed by matthews but is a big step up from any of these players. Just because he’s not the best on the team doesn’t mean he doesn’t provide as much value as Barzal for Christ sake lol

  19. I’m gonna say Barzal because his team doesn’t have as much offensive prowess overall compared to the other guys. If he was in Aho’s place I think they’d produce similarly, but water is worth more to the thirsty

    Edit: moments after saying this, I ran into [this](https://allthreezones.substack.com/p/lets-talk-about-mat-barzal) in the Islanders sub

  20. OldTimeEddie

    I think marner as a leafs fan. I realize that most people who aren’t leafs fans wouldn’t notice as much of a difference compared to spread of other teams

  21. Kissarmy63

    As much as I can’t stand The Leafs or their fans it Marner for me.

  22. onbiver9871

    Barzy feels a bit like he’s on a roster… island… so I’d say him.

  23. justaguy826

    This is a 2-man race between Aho & Barzal. Legitimate arguments could be made for either, but I think it’s Barzal.

  24. Ima_mustard_myself

    Barzal is hold the islanders together

  25. Hopfit46

    Barzal because his team is most devoid of talent…

  26. I personally think Mitch Marner is the most valuable to the Leafs than any of the other players on this thread.

    I also think that Mat Barzal’s play style is all wrong for Islanders. What I would give to see Mat Barzal in a Detroit Red Wings jersey!

    Aho is a great player on a really great team. Carolina has somehow figured out how to draft and build a team better than so many other teams (*coughcoughEdmontonOilerscoughcough*).

    Basically the same thing about Kyrou as Ago, but to a lesser extent.

  27. Probably Barzal. NYI doesn’t have much on the way of top-flight offense behind him.

  28. Rupdy71

    Most valuable to his team is Aho, then Barzal. Marner is the best player of the four.

  29. LongestJohnSilvers

    Barzal. Name the second best player for each team

  30. thunderj9

    Barzal cuz the isles suck rn. Mitch Marner has Auston Matthews, another break out star. The Isles have no other big names.

  31. michiganhockeyguy

    Aho is amazing. He is definitely a big part of their success!

  32. Piccolo_11

    Probably Barzal. Marner is the best player but he has Matthews with him.

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