@Ligue nationale de hockey





  1. Minuarvea1

    As much as I love lightly joking about our rival to the north, we’re at least a few years away from contending for a playoff spot given how stacked the Atlantic is atm and the development that needs to take place within our young core. That being said, if we do make it before them, I’d obviously be thrilled. 😂😂😂😂

  2. Contrarian_Eh

    Leafs haven’t won a round since before high definition tv

  3. Utahgetme02

    I’ll go a step further and say Buffalo beats Toronto in the first round this year.

  4. FoghornLeghorn99

    Someone should make another post about the Leafs losing in the first round.

    It’s original and we don’t see it enough.

  5. EmilyBlackXxx

    Is there a more “technically, somebody has to win” series in the NHL right now? With two teams that absolutely cannot get out of the first round, but are in the same conference and could face each other in round one?

    You just know it’d go 7 games, overtime, and end in an own-goal.

  6. minos157

    I believe this, and I also believe that the Isles will win a cup before Tavares gets out of the first round with the Leafs.

  7. jonnyson14

    Why would you say something so bold and controversial?

  8. Rhyging-007

    Is our pain not enough?! We beat ourselves up as it is.

    Why are the loser Leafs the punching bag of the league? We haven’t won jack shit in decades.

    You guys are just kicking someone who is already down.

  9. hitman154

    « I like their coach. He prays a lot. » -Bruce

  10. Tucker897

    Ooooooo god Toronto would implode especially if it’s the sabres beating them i would pay all of my money to see that

  11. BigBobFro

    You must be talking about the buffalo bills and not the sabers

  12. nickphoto

    If the orioles can be in wc contention in 2022 the Sabres have no excuses

  13. pdawgdavis-2

    Buffalo quietly has one of the best blue lines in the league. Dahlin started to break out last year, in a small sample size Owen Power looked really good, Matthias Samuelsson and Jacob Bryson may not be household names but they’re solid top-4 options in their own right. Henri Jokiharju is OK as well. And in case you forgot (like I did), they also signed Ilya Lyubushkin to replace Miller and Pysyk.

  14. UpsetFan

    Leafs live rent free in this subs poster’s heads.

    r/hockey is cucked but this shit is getting played out.

  15. MandogsXL

    To be fair, they’d have actually make the playoffs to do that

  16. Flex1855

    Buffalo and Ottawa could be the two best teams in that division in a couple years

  17. Healthy_Marketing_17

    If that first line on buffalo produces like it did at the end of last season i bet theyd at least make the playoffs

  18. jimmy_beans

    user wordsport post in this thread [we’re at least a few years away from contending for a playoff spot given how stacked the Atlantic is atm and the development that needs to take place within our young core. That being said, if we do make it before them] (https://www.reddit.com/r/nhl/comments/x8zwqv/lets_talk_about_it/inl59uh/)

    user Minuarvea1 in this thread [As much as I love lightly joking about our rival to the north, we’re at least a few years away from contending for a playoff spot given how stacked the Atlantic is atm and the development that needs to take place within our young core. That being said, if we do make it before them, I’d obviously be thrilled. 😂😂😂😂] (https://www.reddit.com/r/nhl/comments/x8zwqv/lets_talk_about_it/inl2pvx/)

    Hmmmm, what’s going on there, buddy? You got a little Unidan action going on? I got deja vu as I scrolled down.

  19. AshCan10

    I don’t think either team is far from it happening

  20. SensFanMike

    I straight up wouldn’t be surprised if Toronto missed the playoffs this year.

  21. KINGKatraz

    I refuse but I’ll come back hear if it happens and rip my team apart.

  22. Weird-Swim-9777

    The diet version of Whit’s prediction!

  23. Matsuyamarama

    Surely the leafs meme tomorrow will be equally as funny

  24. TallFallicMonster

    Day 117 of this becoming a leaf sub. I love it. Everyone doing their part to ensure the leafs are the most important team in the NHL.

  25. If this was Ottawa or Detroit I could get on board for comedy’s sake but this is too far 😂

  26. AdMaleficent9374

    It’s the truth, we all know it and nothing to talk about it

  27. avery-secret-account

    Depends on the sport. Football? Yes. Hockey? Also yes

  28. thunderj9

    No one needs to change your mind bud

  29. This-Entrepreneur-59

    Who cares about Toronto. Get their dick outta your mouth.

  30. gabedraws7

    I think Toronto peaked this last season. I find it hard to believe that they’ll be able to replicate the depth they lost this year, and Tavares is now at the beginning of his decline. Meanwhile, Buffalo is young and finally rising. This isn’t really a hot take to me.

  31. TheRealOgMark

    Ottawa will make it before them.

  32. CleverUsername5200

    So much Buffalo talk today I’m so excited.

  33. Either Buffalo or Ottawa. Or both. One can only hope both.

  34. jandrouzumaki

    Don’t you put that evil on my Ricky Bobby!

  35. BeautifulPilot4879

    Oilers fan obsessed with leafs. Checks out.

  36. Significant-Lawyer86

    Bills over the Argonauts

  37. Alternative-Party-24

    You wanna bet?
    (Oilers fan btw)

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